How to Communicate Better With Men
When we have inner work to do, we know because our life reflects that to us.
Our life feels hard
We have to work to get the attention of a man
We are performing to get others to like us
Everything just feels so hard
When we do the inner work, and we are religious with our inner work, life continues to expand and expand.
Relationships become easier and men gravitate toward us. Money flows in, opportunities arise and our life feels fulfilling. We cannot have this experience of life, which is a natural byproduct of living from our feminine, without healing.
In this 18-series self-study course, I outline the most important elements of healing.
Do the inner work
What to look at when practicing self-inquiry
And more importantly, who you truly are, beyond the constructs of the EGO Mind
Identify between the wounded and healthy masculine/feminine energies
This is part of a 6 Month-Inner Work Program that I ran for 5,000 USD. I am now making it available for those who wish to partake in their inner work.
Lesson 1: Remember Who You Are
Lesson 2: Ego
The masculine and feminine energies when pure, are a state of spirit. We are all spirit in a physical body coming to live out our soul’s desired purpose. When our soul is dormant, we’ve not yet woken to our true power. This is why I stress inner work. We must heal to have the life we desire. The life we desire is not the ego’s life, it’s the life of our soul.
Lesson 3: Integration
Lesson 4: Radical Self Responsibility
If we don’t believe that we are the creators we let the outside circumstances control our feeling and we manifest our lives on default – if the outside is good, we’re good, if the outside isn’t good, we’re not good.
Lesson 5: Patterns
We repeat lessons unlearned.
That’s why you’ll find yourself in the same situation over and over again. It may be a different circumstance, job or person, but if you look deeper, you’ll find the situation remains. The treatment is the same. The feeling is the same. The emotions are the same. That’s because the lesson was never learned.
Lesson 6: Patterns Continued
We repeat lessons unlearned.
That’s why you’ll find yourself in the same situation over and over again. It may be a different circumstance, job or person, but if you look deeper, you’ll find the situation remains. The treatment is the same. The feeling is the same. The emotions are the same. That’s because the lesson was never learned.
Lesson 7: Patterns Continued
That’s why you’ll find yourself in the same situation over and over again. It may be a different circumstance, job or person, but if you look deeper, you’ll find the situation remains. The treatment is the same. The feeling is the same. The emotions are the same. That’s because the lesson was never learned.
Lesson 8: Beliefs
Lesson 9: Personal Q&A
Lesson 10: Consistency
Lesson 11: Mother
Because everything happens at the unconscious level, in relationships we often tend to gravitate toward relationships that mirrored our childhood parental relationship in some way. At a universal level, we’re looking for wholeness.
Usually we’ll look for partners when we are earlier on in our healing journey that mimic our father – opposite sex parent and we’ll behave like our same sex parent (mother), or we’ll shut down.
Lesson 12: Mother Continued
Usually we’ll look for partners when we are earlier on in our healing journey that mimic our father – opposite sex parent and we’ll behave like our same sex parent (mother), or we’ll shut down.
Lesson 13: Member Coaching
Usually we’ll look for partners when we are earlier on in our healing journey that mimic our father – opposite sex parent and we’ll behave like our same sex parent (mother), or we’ll shut down.
Lesson 14: Member Coaching
Usually we’ll look for partners when we are earlier on in our healing journey that mimic our father – opposite sex parent and we’ll behave like our same sex parent (mother), or we’ll shut down.
Lesson 15: Member Coaching
Usually we’ll look for partners when we are earlier on in our healing journey that mimic our father – opposite sex parent and we’ll behave like our same sex parent (mother), or we’ll shut down.
Lesson 16: Receiving
Receiving is an art. Often women will want to move into their feminine but are not able to receive from a man. In this class, we go into this deeper.