Elevate Your Feminine Presence: Master the Art of Femininity with Private Coaching 

A three-month 1-1 private immersion to healing, self-discovery and ultimate inner freedom. 

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The three-month intimate 1-1 immersion with me guiding you to the parts of you that need to be seen, haven’t been acknowledged and keep you stuck, alone and feeling unsafe.

“Elevate Your Feminine energy: Master the Art of Femininity with Fareen Ash’s Private Coaching”


Because to be in your femininity requires strength, courage and deep healing.

We just cannot access this part of us with unhealed aspects of self in the driver’s seat. Most of us aren’t able to identify those aspects.

I take you on a journey back to self. It isn’t easy, but it is gratifying. Without this awareness, we really cannot allow the things we desire to come in.

In the 12 weeks, I guide you week to week to specific areas that you are struggling with most. Often you won’t even know what they are. It’s a process that unfolds week to week. During that time, you have private access to me.

The work is complex and can feel lonely. The less alone you feel, the faster you can access the feeling you need to attract your heart’s desires. 

If you’re feeling ready to drastically change the way you see yourself, your life and dive into a world of possibility that can only open once the work is underway, you’ll know. I’m highly selective on who I choose to work with this way. There must be a firm commitment for growth and a desire for change.

What Others Are Saying

My clients will tell you I’m highly intuitive; the work is challenging but life-changing.
I have a unique process that will feel specific to you.

Fareen is the most amazing coach! In just such a short period of time of working with her I have had huge shifts that I definitely would not have been able to do alone. Fareen makes it so easy to open up, there is no judgement whatsoever. The investment you make with Fareen, the universe will give you back that investment x100000. The energy she brings to each of her calls and her desire to want to make her clients be the best version of themselves is absolutely amazing. Signing up with Fareen will definitely be one of the best decisions of your life!

Navisha W.

Fareen is an amazing mentor and so easy to talk to and deeply insightful… I recommend her to anyone with life, work or relationship situations and how to get in tune with yourself, your heart and your desires so you can get to the life you really want! Truly eye opening and her coaching is invaluable!

Sarah S.

As I sit into my heart space and reflect on where I am now versus where I started with Fareen I am overflowing with love and gratitude. After a few weeks of resisting with Fareen‘s love, support, and guidance I was able to surrender and trust her and also myself. The moment I did that I started seeing huge shifts like work opportunities, my own intuition strengthening and opening up, and new men organically coming into my life. The amount of support and safety I feel from her is unparalleled. I feel so held and guided.

Jaclyn N.


How will I know I’m ready?

You’ll know. You’ll feel it. There will be a specific resonance and pull to me. You won’t be able to stay away. You may try and dabble in the idea, but a part of you will keep coming back. That is your knowing. Trust.

What if it doesn’t work?

It will. Once the commitment is there on your part, it will. With my background as a lawyer, I’m very careful with my words. I can assure you that with the commitment present within you, it will work. I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Is it hard?

It is. The work is hard. It’s scary and extremely uncomfortable. Growth cannot be any other way. If it feels good, we’re just not growing. While my other programs have a different purpose and intention, and my trainings will feel good, the work won’t. There will be times you’ll way to run away. With the commitment for change, the intuitive knowing that I’m the one to help you, you will stick it through and feel extremely thankful you did.

Is there a structure that I can follow?

No. This is your first lesson in trust. I am going to guide you, specifically depending on what I feel you need most. I’ll know when I speak to you. Your journey will be different from others. Letting go is feminine. In this space, I am taking the lead. It would help if you surrendered fully.

How will I know it worked?

You’ll feel it. By the end of the 12 weeks, you’ll feel safe, content, happy and different. You’ll feel new. Without this foundation, we cannot access new possibilities.

Do you have other programs?

I do. We cannot move to the other levels without this foundation. If you’re a fit and it feels good, we can discuss that towards the end of the 12 weeks. Feel free to ask me if that’s something you’re feeling called to do.

Are there refunds?

No. Once we start, we start. The commitment comes from not being able to run away. If we are one foot in and one foot out, we do not show ourselves commitment. If we do not show ourselves commitment, this will be felt by me, men, money and the universe. Commitment starts with self first.

Will this be fun?

I hope so! I thrive off fun! I’m feminine, after all! However, it won’t be easy. The stronger the commitment, the more fun this process will be.

A few final words…
This is an intuitive feeling.

Trust your heart here. You’ll know this is right, act on that feeling. That is where the secrets to self and your future are. It is the way the Universe communicates to us. There will always be fear. But acting from this space will never lead you astray.

Feel free to check out what my clients have said about The Work! It’s the best way to know if this feels right.

I love you!

Fareen, xx

Individual Sessions

Unsure if the “work” is right for you?
If you’re a bit hesitant and not ready to jump right in, that’s ok!
Sometimes we just need to feel a bit more to know if this is right. 


Initial Consult

Depending on the level of trauma we’ve endured in the past, specifically. In this case, I’d recommend an initial consultation. It’s a 60 minute session where you’ll have a pretty good idea how it would feel to work with me. It’s an affordable, “safe” way to dabble.

The Initial Consult to determine if the “work” is right is priced currently at $150/USD.

Private Sessions

If you’ve worked with me in the past and/or have already utilized the initial consult, individual sessions are the best way to go if you have a specific question/situation you’d like personalized guidance on.

The Individual Private Sessions are currently priced at $197 USD for 30 minutes and $297 USD for 60 minutes.


Private Email Coaching

Finally, some of us just want a more private individual response. If so, feel free to email me! You can email me your specific relationship question and receive a response within 48 hours.

The Private Email Coaching is currently priced at $97 USD.