Transformational STORIES
Care to share your transformation or personal experience with Fareen? She’d love to hear from you! Femininity IS graciousness, appreciation and love! If she’s made an impact, be sure to let her know and pass on the loving fuzzies!

Working with Fareen has been nothing short of a miracle.
If I would’ve known 2 months ago where I’d be now, I might not have believed it. You know those moments where you just KNOW you were meant to cross paths with someone? That’s what happened when Fareen and I ‘met’. From our first conversation, I knew Fareen believed in my potential and I felt so drawn to her support and coaching style.
– Lisa C.
Fareen’s coaching is life changing.
I started her coaching because I knew I was in an unhealthy state and I could understand it was affecting my life. we are eight weeks in my life has shifted dramatically. I’ve shifted internally and that has impacted my external world. I show up differently with myself and that ripples into my life and relationships and I’m learning how to sit in centred energy and communicate better with myself. This allows me to show up for myself and others. I feel a sense of peace and gratitude for my life and dating has become fun and playful.
– Lacey R.

Once upon a time, you cross people you will never forget. Fareen is one of them.
Something inside me said “work with her”. So I decided to give it a go and off we went. This has been one of the best decisions I have made in life. Working with Fareen has opened up my heart in ways I thought weren’t even possible. In return, this radiating love I have been sending out has come right back at me.
– Astrid N.

KATRINA MARTLEW | Wildlife Photographer
My heart is in a better place thanks to Fareen.
It’s been 12 weeks since I signed up to work with Fareen. I was excited and a little nervous about exposing my heart to a complete stranger. After my first call with Fareen, which was a pretty intense one. We finished the call and I knew that I made the right decision and that everything was gonna be OK.
I met Fareen at an event last year and we had a really nice conversation about what she did and her new business venture. We connected via social media and over a period of about six months her posts caught my attention and I thought to myself, she has some amazing unbiased information about relationships, she is going to do really well. With not even a second thought that I was unconsciously looking towards her for guidance, I was signed up to her 90 day program.
My heart is in a better place thanks to Fareen. It has always been so full of unconditional love to share with the world. But I was stuck in this oblivious cycle of – give love, get hurt, close heart. With this repetitive cycle, I unconsciously climbed from my heart into my head. I stayed there for a long time because it was comfortable, safe and easy. I had control over everything, so I thought I did.
90 days later I feel so much more in touch with my heart and myself. Fareens coaching is real and authentic. She is a genuine soul and my experience has been nothing short of amazing. Fareen connects so well with her clients. She has such a great understanding of them and so much love to give, because she’s been through all of this herself. She’s made incredible changes and shifts throughout her life and this is what make her so real and so authentic. She’s an inspiration who has already changed so many lives and will continue to change many more.
I have so much appreciation and gratitude for Fareen and what she has shown me. My heart is opening up more and I am so excited for the future.

KASHMIR KAUR | Clinical Education Specialist
Everything is available in abundance to me.
I am not sure of where to start here, as I have so much to say about my work with Fareen….. Now you see, I did not use the word journey specifically, it is a journey, but it does involve a lot of work to be on that journey…. I have heard of “inner work” all my life, but somehow my mind has filtered the word work, and just stayed with the word inner. And so Fareen told me, you want everything to come easy to you, without doing the work, and you want to be saved in all your situation. AND OH MY, did I want to jump out of frustration with that remarks, but I didn’t. You know why, because that was the truth. The truth that I was missing all along. I have been doing inner healing for a long time…
I have done a self-discovery course, and other stuffs, but I never got what I wanted. I never really put in the work, as I didn’t know what work I needed to do. I just complained about everything in my life, and still expected things to manifest exactly as I wanted. So, you see, she was absolutely right when she said that, and that exact moment and words has completely changed my life now. I don’t have enough words to express my gratitude to Fareen, for showing me the way, and showing me the work that is needed to embark on the beautiful journey that I desire for. I do understand that hard truth is difficult to be accepted by the mind, but for me, that was exactly what I wanted. I knew that I had this patterns in my life, and I seemed to be stuck in it, and I needed someone just like Fareen to get me out of it.
I have to say, I had so much of fear when I wanted to sign up with her, mainly because I didn’t have the money for that. But my intuition was too strong and keep pulling me towards her, that I end up signing up. And I have to say, that is one of the best decisions that I have made for myself so far. The amount of things that I am learning about myself, and the manifestation, IT IS ALL PRICELESS. I wanted to continue this journey with her, but again the challenges come in with my finances, and I was again taken over by fear. ONE MAIN THING THAT I HAVE LEARN IN THIS PROCESS WITH HER, is that abundance appears when we take actions within that fear and where our intuition guides us. IT IS VERY EASY TO SUCCUMB TO THE FEAR, AND LET GO OF INTUITION, but Fareen has taught me that the Universe is always giving, we just have to allow it to come to us. Hence, I continued this work with her, and my oh my…….
I can’t express my excitement and my gratitude of where I am today. I am at this very moment, feeling the best of me, excited with everything that is around me, and everything that is yet to come…. I mentioned that I did some courses, but it was all the information I have gathered. I didn’t know what work was needed in order for me to be at this space that I am right now. Right now, everything is available in abundance to me… I see things so much clearer now, I am so grateful with everything that is given to me….
Fareen mentioned this in one of her post “Information is not inner work. Inner work is life experience coupled with your mirror (coach) guiding you away from your old self, stepping into your new self.”I have full trust in her to guide me to my new self, because that is what I have been desiring, and that is what I asked for. I am so grateful to the Universe, that she has guided me towards Fareen, and I am so grateful to Fareen, her patience and love is making sure that I transform into this new being that would have everything I desire for. And this is rare for me, but I am making it a common practice now…..I am so grateful to myself, that I took the action within the fear that I was feeling, and now I can see the shift that is happening with me and my life……. I am full of love now, and all the love to you ladies out there, who is doing the inner work to embrace our femininity.

Amazing and eye-opening experience.
Working with Fareen the last three months has been a very amazing and eye opening experience filled with a ton of growth and breakthroughs! I am learning how to open my heart and feel my emotions, rather than cover up any pain with keeping busy. I am learning to use my heart to guide me rather than solely my head, and trust my gut and intuition. Before I started with Fareen, I really misunderstood the concept of feminine energy.
I thought being feminine was wearing a cute dresses, putting on lipstick, cooking, and cleaning. But feminine energy and embodiment is not about these things at all! It’s about letting go of control, expressing and feeling your emotions, operating from the heart, and creating space to relax and attract. It’s a fun, playful, light, and attractive energy. It’s not attention seeking nor outcome oriented. Wow, mind blown! Through many hard calls with Fareen she is helping me work past my know it all attitude, need to control and is showing me how to love myself.
She will give you the tough love you need so you better be prepared to put your ego to the side and be open to receiving from her. She is teaching me how to love myself through having boundaries and to not need external validation to feel good. I have signed up for another 5 months with Fareen and I am super excited to continue developing into a higher vibrating version of myself. I have had a lot of wins with personal relationships the past three months and looking forward to many more wins in the future (and hopefully some boy wins as we get into dating). I know this is just the beginning! Levelling up takes work and time! Fareen is an amazing coach to have by my side through this journey. I thank her so much for her love and support! She is a very special, smart and beautiful woman and I am thankful to have the opportunity to learn from her!

The best investment I have made for myself.
Fareen has been coaching me for the last 6 months and it has been the best investment I have made for myself. I came across her Facebook page in September 2020 and hesitated for a month to take a step forward, but her posts resonated with me and inspired me that with her guidance and support I could make changes that I knew deep down needed to happen as a single, unhappy 40-year-old. From the moment we started, Fareen very quickly could identify that I wasn’t authentic, acting out only from my ego, coming from a place of lack and always feeling entitled. The calls were tough, I would react negatively but Fareen had faith and belief in me and stuck by my side.
She embodies tough love. She doesn’t give up on her clients and for me always gave me a straightforward reality check of where I was and what I needed to do. In January I decided once and for all to listen to all her advice, and very quickly I started to shift, becoming aware of my actions and how they were impacting on my relationships in all aspects of my life (friends, family, money and men).
She has taught me that I create my own reality and that focusing on the negative is very easy to slip into. But shifting your vibe to being grateful, being love, being happy takes effort. She has taught me that your vibe is everything and it starts with self-love. Despite the slow steps in shifting forward, Fareen has been the most important asset in my life, especially within the last 3 months when I have really listened to her advice. I highly recommend her as a coach. She is with you through the highs and lows and her advice literally gold

Radically shifted my mindset and my life.
Fareen is amazing and the investment you make into coaching with her will always come back to you in a huge way! When I first started with Fareen, I felt disconnected from myself and my boyfriend. I was focused on splitting everything including daily tasks and responsibilities. I also didn’t always respect him, and would try to lead the relationship to the point where, I would always just state what I want or talk and talk and talk about a solution, versus saying how I feel and allowing him to find a solution. I spent so much time, energy and tears trying to lead and strategize about my love life. It’s so funny to read this back now because immediately after meeting with Fareen everything started to shift. Now about 8 months after first starting with Fareen, I was sitting on my laptop directly across my boyfriend’s and he shouts out, “Hawaii!” I said, “What?” He said: we need to plan our trip for this year, and I think we should go to Hawaii. He didn’t say much more but i got a feeling that he’s planning things and that we may be engaged soon and i’m SOOOOOO EXCITED!!!!! When I stepped back to do only what felt good to me and stopped there, my boyfriend naturally showed up for me in a huge way.
He invited me out to dinners, wrote me a love letter, sought me out wherever I was to hug and kiss me as much as possible around our work from home schedules, re-organized the pantry twice, planned a Valentine’s Day weekend for me (before we even used to split the planning), and so much more. I love him so much and feel truly seen and held. He recently turned to me and said, “I don’t know what it is but you’re just the most beautiful girl in the world to me. I love the woman you’re becoming.” AHHH!!! Before Fareen, I also used to communicate with such heaviness about everything!!! Like, small things became big things I worried about constantly. Communicating about something like boundaries would leave me feeling like I talked too much, had too many big feelings, I didn’t say the right thing, and that I wasn’t enough. Actually, my boyfriend was always paying attention. I just needed to lightly say, “Hey, I’m feeling XYZ. What do you think we should do?” And allow him to show up for me. All he wants to do is make me happy. It was all so simple the whole time, and I was pushing so hard!
Fareen has encouraged me to be in my loving, feminine energy and to not do so much and even now as we near the end of my coaching we’re working weekly to uncover blocks I’ve had for ages! Each call with Fareen has radically shifted my mindset and my life! All I know is that I’m already so much happier, and Fareen guided me here through many tough-love and honest calls about my mindset and what I’m bringing into my own life. There is NO ONE like her, she’s actually an angel on earth!!! By the way, these are just my romantic relationship wins, she has helped me with ALL of my relationships. I’m reunited with my mother and we see each other every week now and talk everyday, I’ll have had two girls’ weekends by the time I finish coaching with her (something I’d never done before last year cause of fear and anxiety). I also have a better relationship with myself, my weight and health, my appearance and all. I am just so proud of myself for continuing to face my own habits and grow. Fareen is absolutely incredible and has made me feel like a happy, loving woman again.

I’ve been able to make huge shifts.
I’m so grateful to have worked with Fareen and want to take a moment to really appreciate her and my experience working with her. I had been following Fareen for a little under a year before I signed up with her. I had previously worked with another coach, but intuitively I kept getting drawn back to Fareen. When I hit my rock bottom, I decided I needed coaching and reached out to Fareen. After speaking with her, I realized she was different. She had this energy and knowing about where I was in life and she knew what I needed. I signed up with her immediately! My fear was real. I was anxious.
The financial commitment, no structure that I was used to, realizing I can’t go back to my old ways. I’m used to structure that I didn’t think an intuitive approach made sense. The next day, I backed out of coaching. The fear was huge. Let me tell you something: it’s Fareen’s highly intuitive coaching that actually works. She knows exactly what her clients need! I think it took me 2 weeks to come running back. I couldn’t get her out of my mind. Intuitively, I knew I needed her and I was just delaying this journey for no legitimate reason. She didn’t have to do this, but she took me back. For that I am so grateful. She must have seen something in me that she accepted me back. Our first few sessions were off to a bumpy start.
I think I was a difficult case. She could have let me go as a client and be done with it. That is how I was showing up in the world and no wonder my life ended up the way it had. The fact that she continued working with me is a testament to how much she genuinely cares about her clients. The love, patience, and dedication she has for her clients… I’m am still amazed at how much she gives and how excited she is for each one of our wins! She is passionate about helping her clients become successful. She goes above and beyond, more than other coaches I have worked with. She even remembers the little details which shows she cares! I had difficulty with letting go of control and trusting the universe.
Since working with Fareen, I’ve been able to make huge shifts and allow the universe to bring to me what is trying to come through. Simply put, Fareen is the real deal. I am so, so grateful that I have one of the best coaches ever helping me level up and live my dream. I wish I had signed up sooner! With Fareen, I have guidance, support, and someone who cares, and I don’t think I can put into words the gratitude, admiration, love, appreciation and respect I have for her. Fareen, thank you. Thank you for giving me a chance, for being there, for not giving up on me, your guidance, and for all that you do!

I always feel amazing after speaking with her.
Working one-on-one with Fareen has been an incredible experience. Prior to my work with her, I hated myself. I was stuck in reactive mode and in a relationship with my partner that wasn’t getting anywhere. I would rely immensely on my boyfriend to make me happy and was not okay being alone. As a result, he would pull away and I would feel stuck and abandoned. Fareen taught me how to love myself on a higher level as well as how to embody a healthy level of feminine and masculine energy, so that I did not have to rely on a man nor anyone to feel whole and complete. As a result, I have learned how to love myself more and be independent.
Not only did this result in me respecting myself and loving my own company, but this increased my partner’s desire for me and made him want to be around me more. It was a win-win! Fareen offered me a lot of tools that have helped me along the way. I have a lot of negative imprints built in me from my childhood and working with Fareen has helped me crush some of those in only two months! Whereas, I have worked with counsellors for years and did not see as much shifts. Fareen’s approach is different from other coaches in that she offers personal support in between calls. This has helped me immensely in shifting my thought patters from negative to positive more quickly and I feel less alone and more supported.
Fareen embodies love and expansiveness. She genuinely cares about her clients’ well-being as if they are her family. She is fully invested in their growth and does anything she can to help them succeed. As well, she doesn’t sugar coat anything and tells it like it is – which helps clients see their blind spots and pick up on their negative habits and behaviours! I always feel amazing after speaking with her. Thank you so much Fareen for all the work and time you have put into our coaching. If you are on the fence about working with Fareen, I suggest you give it a try. For you have nothing to lose, and a life to gain.

Felicia Leoguerrero
I am literally shifting into my highest self.
I feel sooo blessed beyond what I can even describe. I am literally shifting into my highest self & I am so damn proud of myself and for having the BEST coach in the world, Fareen! Being able to have the opportunity to work with Fareen is LIFE CHANGING. I am forever grateful to have you in my life! So how I found Fareen was thru some IG hashtags. I was so desperate at the time. My relationship was failing, he was threatening to leave me if I didn’t change. I knew I needed to take action because I didn’t want to lose him. I thought he was the best thing that had ever happened to me! Lol! I instantly messaged Fareen & she messaged back. We setup a call & after our first call I HAD to take action & sign up. I felt so drawn toward her. So I had to listen to my intuition even though I felt SO scared & had no idea what would happen but I had to take that leap & TRUST. So when I first started working with Fareen I was very cold, distant & it was just taking energy (she didn’t feel anything from me) It wasn’t cute! And now, omg. I feel so much lighter, I’ve been cultivating that self trust, strength, confidence, my self worth has gone up & when I speak to myself I am much more compassionate. That to me is SO priceless! Not to mention, I gained so much awareness on my toxic relationship that I didn’t even know was TOXIC!
Before I met Fareen I thought I was in the healthiest relationship ever! Haha! (I ended up breaking up with him too!) I’ve been getting a lot of compliments from my family, friends & coworkers on how strong I am, my mindset & just my whole outlook on things now, guess they all noticed a shift within me! Makes me feel so proud of myself for sticking thru everything, not giving up (it’s not all rainbows & unicorns lol) & investing in myself! We truly have the power within us, if we do the inner work our outer world will shift!
Fareen is seriously AMAZING at what she does. She’s like a hawk. She pays attention to everything!! You can’t hide from her. I love how firm but loving she is. She doesn’t judge but will always be honest & seriously has her best interest for you. She sees your potential & holds you to your standard of where you’re at so that you can continue to grow & be your highest version. Thank you thank you thank you Fareen for everything!! My heart feels so full knowing I have you as a coach & always having you by my side! I know I can count on you!

SARA SAWRIE | Registered Dental Hygienist
I feel more confidence and hope.
My Dearest Fareen, my beautiful love,
When I first reached out to you I had no expectations and no idea that you would become the guide I craved and needed.
Your Divine Love was and is a beacon calling me home. You are pure love, grace, vulnerability, confidence, light, truth and joy. When I first started working with you 11 weeks ago, I had blindly filled my life with pain, chaos and lies. I was lost under a lifetime of defences. Your Divine was speaking to mine, and giving me hope to continue.
You saw the Divine Love in me, underneath, and gave me what I could not give myself and what I needed to start shifting from a state of dying to a place of life: you offered me unconditional love.
New Years Day was a low point for me. I was having an emotional breakdown, crying hysterically, rocking myself in bed, laying on the bathroom, confessing “I know something is wrong with me. I’m worthless and broken. I don’t know how to fix this,” as I begged to be left alone. He wouldn’t leave me alone. He yelled at me for ruining everything, threw things at me, spit on me and said with contempt, “I knew this was you, and not all on me.”
New Year’s Day was a low point. New Year’s Day was also a high point. The first of many blocks would come down. Lies falling away and truth coming in. To the world, I projected someone confident, growing, dreaming. The world was mirroring to me how I felt inside: weak, worthless, helpless. I was so critical. I was dying.
Fareen, you stayed with me through everything. No matter what crazy thing I said or was thinking, you held space for me and never judged.
You always knew where I was and what I needed. I see now that each week I took in your guidance, my life shifted in subtle ways. Any time I tried to move quicker and do more, I slowed things down or blocked them. Because I was coming from a place of fear, lack, and disconnection… I lived soooooooooo much in my head to avoid the pain in my heart. You would give me the hard truths I needed to hear. You gave so much.
I admire you, and I am in awe of you. You are a guardian who will hold me and teach me to live the embodiment of what I desire, and you are a friend, I can share my secrets with, laugh with and cry with.
Today I am a different person. Less than 3 months of work (and all thanks to You!!!) There are no more screaming matches, things being thrown or meltdowns. I am less critical of myself and others. I laugh more and take things less seriously. The voice inside my head is now loving and playful at times. I feel more confidence and hope, and I want to live again. My world is expanding and I am so excited to continue the journey. I am learning accountability and truth so I no longer need to pretend. It’s so loving and so much lighter. I spend time with myself and care for my needs because I am precious and deserving. I still need and want you in my life, Fareen. Help guide me in the creation of my big, beautiful, expansive life. OMG, I am the luckiest girl in the world. We get 12 more months (maybe MORE!) to work and create together. I’m nervous and excited, humbled and F***ing over the moon with joy. I love you xoxo. I owe you everything.
P.S. to all of you beautiful women doing the work, every day you inspire me. I am eager and excited every time I see a new story to read; your willingness to be vulnerable and honest, to share your wins and what is possible, it is everything. My life expanded because of each of you. Thank you Fareen for bringing us all together xoxoxo

CLARE LYNN | Teacher
My heart is happy.
I have just completed working with Fareen in 1-1 coaching. My heart is happy because I’ve learnt so much about my triggers that I was taking into dating.
When I first contacted Fareen I was Uber reactive with a guy I had started dating and projecting all my hurt onto him. Fareen coached me through how I was showing up. Which was wounded and repelling the one thing I wanted. Connection with a high value man.
This has allowed huge blocks to be removed and for healthy ways of relating to be brought to light. I could not have done it without her guidance. Her hand holding through the process has allowed me to get real with myself about so much I would not have seen had she not been there. My expectations and low value behaviour. I am now able to separate what is authentically me and what is my behaviour that makes men want to pull away.
She has been kind, supportive and honest and has been the guidance I have needed to lead me back to the woman I was always meant to be.
I feel lighter, softer and wiser about who I am and how healthy relating works with a man. In her own words. This is the Clare I always knew was there. I can not thank you enough for the wisdom and guidance you have given me. I know we will work on a deeper level soon and for any ladies wanting to be the best of who they truly are.
Work with this amazing lady. She has been a godsend to me. Dealing with my flip flop emotions and giving me the truth and loving support when I’ve needed it. Thank you so much. I returned to coaching with Fareen as I wanted more intensive work and it was the best decision of my life. Below are my feelings about the amazing journey I’ve been on. Where do I start… it is difficult to know where to begin when this journey has been filled with so many highlights and the removal of so many blind spots. It is difficult to know what to say. Thank you from the bottom of my heart is a good start but it still doesn’t seem enough for the journey you have taken me on, from where I started to where I am now. I literally feel like a different woman and also more like myself than I have done in years. I feel like I am returning back to the me, I always was. When I think back to the me from just a few months ago, I see this innocent, scared girl who was in so much anxiety and in such a rush that she surrounded herself with a protective shell and busied herself with life, so the outside world thought she was coping.I just want to hold her and tell her it’s all alright, I see you, I love you. Like the higher self I would visualise when looking for inner guidance, except now I’ve become it. Fareen held this space for me, knowing I would get there, that she would get me there and I am so profoundly grateful to her for doing that. For seeing me when I couldn’t and seeing the strength and wisdom within me, that I would get there and embody who I am now. I was so scared of being 40, single and childless and what others would think about me. Worse, I was sad for how sad I thought they felt for me being alone and scared I would have to pretend I was okay when I wasn’t.
Now, I’m 40 in 3 weeks and I’ve never felt so free. Free from the judgements I was creating, freedom from rushing and freedom from needing something to be a certain way. I felt like if I let go, I would be left with nothing, be nothing. Now I see the abundance all around me and I will always have everything I need because I have me. I just marvel at the transformation I have made and how now none of it matters anymore. How I can desire a relationship and a child and fully embrace my excitement over that part of my journey but it doesn’t define me anymore. I feel whole just as I am, grounded and safe and trusting of myself and that everything will work out okay. I create my life; I have always had my back and I will be fine no matter what happens. This is the ultimate freedom. I know I will cope and survive and thrive because I have always done this and always will do it. Whatever I have does not define me or give me worth -I do. I now have casting agents contacting me about gigs and auditions instead of me chasing it down and trying to make it happen. I also have a film that may get selected for Hollywood (something I would have been desperate for in the past, now I’m like-if it’s meant to happen, it will). I have coaching colleagues connecting and making sessions happen and getting promoted by my mentors.
I have friends and family supporting me, connecting with me, sharing wisdom and compliments when before I was anxiously over thinking, forcing and feeling like a nuisance. I have a stronger connection with my mum and that is worth its weight in gold. I’m able to be alone, trust that men will come and I’ll get to have what I want as before I would anxiously attach, perform, have high expectations and no space to see them. I just feel so good with where I am at and all that is meant for me, will come to me. I feel secure I am worth it and that is bliss. Safe to go after what I want and soft and allowing that it will come as it is meant to. I don’t need to force and I feel free flowing like water. I just feel at peace and I feel safe and there is no price you can place on that and no amount of difficulty that is not worth going through to get to this point and I’m only just beginning. I know my life is going to bloom and I know I will bloom because now I see me and I see others. I see how far I have come and how many gifts I have to offer the world and others. I fell in love with my big beautiful heart, my softness and my beautiful femininity.
I see so clearly the amazing woman I am and the love I have for her in my heart bursts out of my chest and I’m filled with serenity, space and peace. Is there still work to do- yes, do I still have my moment- yes, am I perfect – no but I am amazing. This journey is by far the greatest thing I’ve done in my life and I know with my whole heart, I would not be able to be where I am, if I did not have Fareen as a coach and invest in this intensive. I could not have done it without her, her wisdom, strength and support have enabled me to fully see myself and fully embrace my amazing life. Free to fully open my heart and know it is safe and free to accept myself and all my emotions. All the advice in the world does not account for what this woman has been able to do for me. Every step of the way she was there for me 1 million % and knew what I needed, even and especially when I didn’t. My god I was a stubborn horse and she knew how to compassionately, patiently and loving call me out and wake me up. I am blessed she was able to do that and blessed I have her in my life. I really feel like she is angel sent to me to help me bloom and transform into the woman I was always meant to be. A woman who is falling madly in love with life, myself and others. This journey was not easy but it was worth it, every up, down and sideways and it feels like a gift from the heavens, as does Fareen. From the bottom of my heart thank you Fareen, there are no words enough for what you have been able to help me do and all I can say is work with this woman. If there is love in your soul for you, invest in yourself and sign up for the intensive. It is the greatest gift you can give to yourself and the world. It feels good to be whole and it feels good to be home in my heart.

MARGARET BUJ | Interview Coach
Working with Fareen has been really magical.
Some of the coaching sessions have been challenging – growth is really hard at times and many times I’ve felt so uncomfortable! But
Fareen is so full of love (sometimes tough love!); she always has your best interests at heart and the awareness she gives you is incredible. I’ve learnt that my ego doesn’t always know best and where it’s been sabotaging me; and how to stay with uncomfortable emotions instead of reacting or ignoring them. I am also more vulnerable with Fareen and myself, more present and my energy feels lighter.I LOVE Fareen’s voice notes and messages between the sessions! I’ve listened to some of them multiple times. Slowly, my trust in that what was meant for me will come, grows.Thank you Fareen for your love, support and guidance and helping me to become the best version of myself.

FAINA SACHDEVA | Fashion Designer
It has been quite an uplifting journey working with Fareen.
I feel so much lighter & empowered & most importantly – SAFE! I highly highly highly recommend anyone out there – who is confused about coaching but know in their gut they need to do it – to do it! Go for it! I took a long time to decide & she’s not the kind of person who convinces anybody, which made me so confident in her! And, I can say it happened at the divine right time & the MAGIC WOMAN continues to do her magic in all her clients’ lives! I feel so deeply connected to her! I can’t imagine my life without her in it anymore! Hahaha! I know it sounds too much & too cheesy but there’s sth about the coaching that can’t be put into words but has to be experienced!

AMARINA SINGH | Entrepreneur
All I can say is that I haven’t experienced anything close to this ever.
The best decision of my life is to do this three month workshop/coaching with Fareen. She is truly a magical woman. To be able to manage my emotions and feeling light in such a short period is huge and it’s truly Fareen’s magic. I know there is a lot more work to be done so I have started another year of transformation with her. Honestly the last three months were most uncomfortable yet empowering. I highly recommend Fareen’s coaching and I can’t wait to start another journey with her. Honestly she is God sent to me and I am looking forward to new happy me. Love you Fareen! Thank you so much for all you do for everyone!
T. F.
My heart is so full.
This weekend was incredible! YALL! Two years ago I came to Fareen sad about being in total planner mode about everything, heavy in my masculine energy and feeling that in my relationships…. I wanted to relax and be freee and let things come to me, but I couldn’t! I was so worried letting go would mean I wasn’t protected or that things wouldn’t go my way! I felt so bad all the time asking for things I wanted or needed. In December, my loving fiancé planned a beautiful proposal… and we’re getting married in just four months! October 22! Fast forward to this past weekend, which I wanted to share because it was soooo special! On Friday, I tried on my wedding dress for the first time with a tailor and was SOOOO excited for this that I woke up on Friday morning giddy, jumping up and down and I did my makeup and hair just to go for a fitting 😂 The tailor was cracking up. The next day we went ring and rehearsal dinner outfit shopping for him and I was so excited to be doing our wedding things. I was like babe this is surreal! Two years ago I was so sad, unsure if I’d be engaged and not trusting that I would or could be, and this weekend we were doing all of the wedding things! TO TOP IT ALL OFF, on Saturday night my future mother in law held a surprise WELCOME TO THE FAMILY party for me at her house. She put ALL OF IT together and planned with her sisters, my fiancé’s aunts, for the last few months. She made all of the decorations and did it all in my favorite colors (purple, lavender). Some of his family drove up from Florida for the surprise party and all of his siblings, cousins and aunts came out too 😭 His family is like the movie My Big Fat Greek Wedding 😂❤️ I was so grateful I bawled my eyes out… It meant so much to me because I always was the one to plan, to do for others, to take on extra emotional labor in my family as the oldest of my siblings, and to handle conflicts, even though I didn’t have to. It was so surreal to not have to do anything! And on TOP OFF ALL OF THIS ONE MORE TIME, my fiancé took me to resize my ring and came back with a new ring in a style I loveeee. It’s the most beautiful ring I can’t stop looking at! My heart is so full! We’d never been ring shopping before and I’d never told him what I liked so the ring I had was beautiful but when we kept shopping for a band to complement it things weren’t gelling. I mentioned it to him and he ended up coming back with the most beautiful ring that I’m so happy with, that I can look at for the rest of my life!!! He surprised me with it at the surprise welcome to the family party! And he said he’s happy when I’m happy! This weekend was a dream and I’m still pinching myself.
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What Men Are Saying

Fareen is a powerhouse.
She speaks her truth, and her passion is radiant. Fareen lives and breathes her work – it’s effortless – and her knowledge, expertise, and devotion are undeniable. I have learned so much about myself and relationships because of her. I often catch myself identifying masculine and feminine energy in my daily life now. Without Fareen’s fun approach to teaching, I would have never developed this self-awareness. Every time we meet, I become more aware of why she is simply the best at what she does
– ANTHONY VOLTSINIS | Photography & Videography
She wholeheartedly cares for the success of others.
In the time that I have known Fareen Ash, I’ve never met someone so genuine, passionate, and driven towards a purpose. After just one conversation with her, you’ll quickly pick up on her ability to not only love, but to understand you from the deepest layers of your core. She wholeheartedly cares for the success of others, is extremely intuitive, and authentic with what needs to be said, done, or conveyed to inspire you to be a better version of yourself.
– RJ Bell | BulletProof Method

Fareen shares with us an unusual combination of unapologetic feminine energy and healthy personal boundaries which require strength. Her posts are infrequent yet powerful when they arrive, eliciting the feminine from women and the masculine from men. She understands that we, men and women, both want freedom and in certain flavours. Men are prepared to risk all for freedom which creates security. Women desire security to feel free. And Fareen expresses herself in alignment with our natural needs and desires articulately. Fortunately, I have had the opportunity to approach an issue with Fareen and see her follow-through action match her words! When actions align with words, power and momentum build. Watch her and the space where she threads as it will expand and we can all learn together from her!
Fareen is an example of an extraordinary coach. She is full of dedication, passion and love to help people change. She is the best person to help you and your partner. She can beautifully guide you to understand your strengths and weaknesses and empowers you to enhance your relationship-related knowledge and skills. She is the one who can help you balance your masculine and feminine energy and teaches you on how to create your boundaries. She understands what we, as men and women, need and want, and she leads you to build and maintain a wonderful loving relationship.
Something had been happening in my relationship and I couldn’t quite put my finger on it. The sexual spark was fading much faster than it should. My wife is stunning, but I didn’t find myself turned on by her, or even by other women. I had a feeling that something was off with my masculinity, sexuality, something, but couldn’t put it into words.
Following Fareen and reading a number of her posts on Facebook all of a sudden helped me put into words and conceptualize what was going on! I realized that I wasn’t feeling as attracted to my wife because she felt less and less like a woman to me. The feeling of being opposites, the polarity, the tension, was gone. In a conversation with my wife this morning we discovered that while her being super goal-oriented, energetic, and competent was highly beneficial in her professional life and in running the household, it was totally out of place in our relationship. We were like the same person, both bringing those same aspects to every element of life, instead of bringing what each of us is uniquely suited and capable of bringing. What was missing for me was her being vulnerable, relaxing, and allowing me to protect and provide for her.
Thanks to Fareen’s insights on femininity, masculinity, and the dynamic between them, it’s given us a new lens through which to see our relationship. Fareen’s writings have given language to what I couldn’t articulate, and has provided access to bring the passion back into our incredible relationship.
From the moment I connected with Fareen, I knew that I was talking to a very special and passionate person. You can instantly feel her centeredness, maturity and strong feminine presence in the way she speaks, acts and stands for commitments. She is the Mother Nature of feminine energy embodiment and dating coaching. Her remarkable story of resilience and personal growth married with her professional background and expertise is highly impressive. I personally love people who have walked the path before they became a guide for others. Fareen has lived the challenges of the masculine and feminine energies that are non authentic and unempowering. She knows the important distinctions of the divine duality that exists in all of us and how to best utilize our sacred energies to serve who we truly are. Thank you Fareen for showing up with a beautiful heart-centred, compassionate and loving feminine superpower. Much love to you and gratitude for all that you do.
Why Fareen? Because at the end of the day we are all looking to be happy. Happiness is the goal and if there is not a clear path to it, you will only reach a certain level of happiness, and therefore cheat yourself of what it could have been. Part of the pursuit for happiness is finding the “right” partner. After 2 failed marriages I realized this is not as easy as I thought. I realize that we all bring a lot of baggage to the table that alters our personality, and therefore affects the relationship. But then God sent this angel named Fareen. She was able to help me “rewire” my mind by understanding what is femininity and masculinity. I didn’t know it mattered. But of course, you must understand your partner and yourself if there’s a chance of success. And if you apply what Fareen teaches you will see a huge difference in energy when you meet someone because you will know what to look for and how to think. I always appreciate Fareen’s honesty and constructive approach. I never feel less of a person when speaking to her, but instead empowered, because I am another step forward.
I am extremely blessed to have met Fareen. She is a big part of my happiness and I am grateful.
Fareen Ash, a relationship guru who I befriended on Facebook. After following her posts for around twelve months I found myself in need of some impartial advice from a woman’s point of view and who doesn’t know me enough to pass judgement on my dilemma regarding the loyalty of my then female partner life is very hard and I know that to make relationships successful you need to be prepared to work hard, compromise and make scarifies for the greater good. As a man I like to think that I am very loyal and would always have the back of my other half in times when others are trying to interfere, and my fear when I approached Fareen was that I would be shot down in flames. How wrong I was when this amazing lady not only gave me the impartial advice and reassurance I was looking for, she gave me the strength to make the right decision for my own long term happiness and I wouldn’t hesitate to ask her advice again.
You can read more of my clients’ testimonials here