Feminine Woman, Shadow Edition

is the FOUNDATION to manifestation, attraction and intimacy. Without these foundational teachings, you cannot manifest love, wealth, abundance and intimacy.

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How To Be Feminine?

this is the age-old question of many women today

We’ve lost our sense of self, and our essence and we can only regain this part of us through healing.

Feminine energy is a feeling, a sense and an ease and can only be felt in its natural pure form from those that have a deep sense of self-awareness which comes from reconditioning. Most will teach about feminine energy from an access point of masculine energy.

They’ll tell you to wear clothes that appear to be feminine or partake in strategies that will appear to be feminine. Feminine energy cannot be worn as masculine energy cannot be worn. Feminine energy is an essence that comes forth from our divine essence once the conditioning, ego and past have dissolved.


We cannot truly heal and understand certain concepts without them being reflected in ourselves or others.


When we have inner work to do, we know because our life reflects that to us.

Our life feels hard

We have to work to get the attention of a man

We are performing to get others to like us

Everything just feels so hard

When we do the inner work, and we are religious with our inner work, life continues to expand and expand.

Relationships become easier and men gravitate toward us. Money flows in, opportunities arise and our life feels fulfilling. We cannot have this experience of life, which is a natural byproduct of living from our feminine, without healing.

In this 18-series self-study course, I outline the most important elements of healing.


Do the inner work

What to look at when practicing self-inquiry

And more importantly, who you truly are, beyond the constructs of the EGO Mind

Identify between the wounded and healthy masculine/feminine energies

This is part of a 6 Month-Inner Work Program that I ran for 5,000 USD. I am now making it available for those who wish to partake in their inner work.



Lesson 1: Remember Who You Are
You are the soul, you are consciousness, you are Spirit that has come into this physical form to EXPERIENCE LIFE. Consciousness is PURE, LIGHT and unassuming. Energy is LIGHT. In this class you’ll learn these key foundational teachings: The soul lives in the moment, the ego lives in the future + the past. We are not the body complex or the mind. We are that which observes the body and that which observes the mind.The deliberate thought is YOU.
Lesson 2: Ego
When the ego is leading your consciousness takes a back seat. And when your consciousness takes a back seat, your life is full of pain and struggle. Stories are created to keep you small and safe. Genuine relationships are pushed away and only relationships akin to your ego (lower state of consciousness) can come in. Our life is a reflection of our consciousness.

The masculine and feminine energies when pure, are a state of spirit. We are all spirit in a physical body coming to live out our soul’s desired purpose. When our soul is dormant, we’ve not yet woken to our true power. This is why I stress inner work. We must heal to have the life we desire. The life we desire is not the ego’s life, it’s the life of our soul.

Lesson 3: Integration
In this class we review key concepts and go deeper in our understanding of what we’ve learned. Integration is key to learning.
Lesson 4: Radical Self Responsibility
Self-responsibility is the belief that I create my reality and that if I want a different result I’ll have to change something. It’s empowering since the control lays within us.

If we don’t believe that we are the creators we let the outside circumstances control our feeling and we manifest our lives on default – if the outside is good, we’re good, if the outside isn’t good, we’re not good.

Lesson 5: Patterns

We repeat lessons unlearned.

That’s why you’ll find yourself in the same situation over and over again. It may be a different circumstance, job or person, but if you look deeper, you’ll find the situation remains. The treatment is the same. The feeling is the same. The emotions are the same. That’s because the lesson was never learned.

Lesson 6: Patterns Continued

We repeat lessons unlearned.

That’s why you’ll find yourself in the same situation over and over again. It may be a different circumstance, job or person, but if you look deeper, you’ll find the situation remains. The treatment is the same. The feeling is the same. The emotions are the same. That’s because the lesson was never learned.

Lesson 7: Patterns Continued
We repeat lessons unlearned.

That’s why you’ll find yourself in the same situation over and over again. It may be a different circumstance, job or person, but if you look deeper, you’ll find the situation remains. The treatment is the same. The feeling is the same. The emotions are the same. That’s because the lesson was never learned.

Lesson 8: Beliefs
Our beliefs create our reality and our core beliefs dictate everything. You can recite all of the affirmations you want, but without these core beliefs it won’t stick.
Lesson 9: Personal Q&A
Lesson 10: Consistency
We don’t get what we want because we’re not consistent with what we need to do to get what it is we want. Attraction and raising our level of consciousness takes deliberate and consistent action. We often stop doing what is necessary to get to the next step right before we are about to jump to our next level.
Lesson 11: Mother

Because everything happens at the unconscious level, in relationships we often tend to gravitate toward relationships that mirrored our childhood parental relationship in some way. At a universal level, we’re looking for wholeness.

Usually we’ll look for partners when we are earlier on in our healing journey that mimic our father – opposite sex parent and we’ll behave like our same sex parent (mother), or we’ll shut down.

Lesson 12: Mother Continued
Because everything happens at the unconscious level, in relationships we often tend to gravitate toward relationships that mirrored our childhood parental relationship in some way. At a universal level, we’re looking for wholeness.

Usually we’ll look for partners when we are earlier on in our healing journey that mimic our father – opposite sex parent and we’ll behave like our same sex parent (mother), or we’ll shut down.

Lesson 13: Member Coaching
Because everything happens at the unconscious level, in relationships we often tend to gravitate toward relationships that mirrored our childhood parental relationship in some way. At a universal level, we’re looking for wholeness.

Usually we’ll look for partners when we are earlier on in our healing journey that mimic our father – opposite sex parent and we’ll behave like our same sex parent (mother), or we’ll shut down.

Lesson 14: Member Coaching
Because everything happens at the unconscious level, in relationships we often tend to gravitate toward relationships that mirrored our childhood parental relationship in some way. At a universal level, we’re looking for wholeness.

Usually we’ll look for partners when we are earlier on in our healing journey that mimic our father – opposite sex parent and we’ll behave like our same sex parent (mother), or we’ll shut down.

Lesson 15: Member Coaching
Because everything happens at the unconscious level, in relationships we often tend to gravitate toward relationships that mirrored our childhood parental relationship in some way. At a universal level, we’re looking for wholeness.

Usually we’ll look for partners when we are earlier on in our healing journey that mimic our father – opposite sex parent and we’ll behave like our same sex parent (mother), or we’ll shut down.

Lesson 16: Receiving

Receiving is an art. Often women will want to move into their feminine but are not able to receive from a man. In this class, we go into this deeper.

Lesson 17: Self Soothing
In this lesson I teach you how to regulate your emotions. It is important to create space for the emotion to come up and be released. I teach you to do this in this class.
Lesson 18: Q&A
This bonus class could be sold separately but i wanted to add it in as a treat for your hard work. In this class I go over: how to date with intention, the needs of men and what your needs are, red flags and courting as well as how your energy should be in dating.


What Participants are saying for Feminine Woman: Shadow Edition

It supposed to be an introduction class, but there were so many lessons in it… Everybody has their own journey, and everybody is doing their best to be their best version. How beautiful is that. Whatever Fareen is doing, is completely priceless. There is too much of love. And to ignite all this in everyone, is just priceless. I feel so blessed to be here at this moment. To be able to experience this. There is no other way I would want to do this. Fareen is right, it is all about timing.

On today’s call I realized that I am in my wounded feminine. My partner does always say that I feel heavy and that he feels like he always has to “carry my burden and his”. I do expect the man to come up with solutions. My partner feels exhausted. I never knew this before. 
Thank you for this opportunity and realization, Fareen! You are the best!

What’s coming up for me is a lot of self-judgment and negative thoughts about myself based on what I said on the call, and how low my energy was. However, watching the video back, I realize I didn’t seem as bad as I made myself sound in my head. I guess I am just not used to being heard nor seen, though I pushed myself to speak in the video despite my nerves, and am proud of myself for doing so! I also learned that I play the victim a lot more than I thought, and that that is making my energy heavy.

Get Instant Access Now

Feminine Woman, Shadow Edition is the precursor to all future courses.
18 modules + BONUS Dating 101 class.
Over 20 hours of video content + assignments that will change the way you see yourself.

Feminine Woman, Shadow Edition

This is not a quick-fix solution or strategy course.

I will teach about about the core beliefs that must be integrated to feel whole, I will reconnect you with the soul, I will teach you about the masculine principles that must be present to connect with your feminine, and I will give you exercises to do to help you integrate the information.
“This course was the deepest dissection of the soul I have ever experienced…”

You are phenomenal. This course was the deepest dissection of the soul I have ever experienced, though l’ve done plenty of coaching so far and worked with ‘experts’ in the field, and thought there was no deeper work I could possibly do. Oh how wrong I was!

The first 9-10 days I cried nonstop, felt the pain I always knew was there but never had to courage to confront, and faced things regarding my past, upbringing, family, and (apparently) ego which I thought I could stay away from. I discovered 21 (!) relationship patterns, monitored my thoughts relentlessly, and all in all realized I’ve been living my whole life as someone else, by what was expected of me, and not as TRULY ME.

What I loved the most is that your course shed light onto all the yucky stuff I was trying to suppress, and it allowed me to dive deep to integrate it and channel all that anger/resentment/etc. towards looking after myself – finally more than after others. My life is already changing, friendships are shifting, I’m holding stronger boundaries, and I’m starting to slowly believe in my own magic again – my soul is telling me this is the direction to continue to follow.

One of the most important mindset changes I underwent thanks to you was to finally stop pretending things are happy happy joy joy in my life (advice from other coaches), but to look fear in the eyes, accept my situation for what it is (deep sh*t and from that – move forward.


Words by Fareen

I AM a huge proponent of inner work. In my 1-1 coaching and this program, my fundamental prerogative is to give you as much awareness as possible about why you do the things you do and how to STOP yourself from sabotaging/blocking what is meant to be yours.

These are principles that I live my life on today and make up the feminine woman.

I hope you enjoy and I look forward to hearing what takeaways and ah’has you have personally gained from this course. I invite you to emerge into Feminine Woman, Shadow Edition and start the process of healing to reconnect with your healthy feminine.

With love,


Your work speaks for itself!

I thought the course was going to be a lot like other courses l’ve taken, but it’s not at all lol. I’m actuall really enjoying the inner work now. Once you get past a bit of the beginning and discomfort it gets better and you start seeing real changes!

I agree with everything you say!

Buying your 2 books and inner work course was one of the best decisions I’ve made to invest in myself. They’re so heavy but I’ve healed so much. Thank you for your the work you’re doing.

This was sooo great!!

The 6 month group was life changing! I can’t believe you’re selling the course now. Gotta get my hands on it so much gold in there.

This deprogramming work is no joke!

Ok! I just bought the inner work course! I am listening to the Remember Who You Are video right now, It is really hitting my soul i don’t know to explain it – – this deprogramming work is no joke, to merge back with our soul. You in your essence and your transmissions are like sent from the divine into my life, super excited to see how things unfold! So grateful

Get Instant Access Now

Feminine Woman, Shadow Edition is the precursor to all future courses.
18 modules + BONUS Dating 101 class.
Over 20 hours of video content + assignments that will change the way you see yourself.

Feminine Woman, Shadow Edition