“Secrets of the Feminine Woman,  Revealed”

Empower Your Femininity: Unlock the Secrets of the Feminine Woman with Fareen Ash’s Groundbreaking Book

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"Secrets of the Feminine Woman, Revealed"

A Woman Who Embraces Her Femininity is A Woman Who Knows Her Power

Who is the Feminine Woman?

Given all the negative conditioning we have been exposed to in our lives and environment, can we still find her within ourselves? Do we still have hope of unveiling the very essence of femininity and living a more meaningful and fulfilling life?

This book carefully and meaningfully deconstructs the concept of the Feminine Woman, breaking the stereotype and allowing readers to delve deeper into the true meaning of the term. It closely examines the core values and fundamental teachings of femininity and how these are closely intertwined with the masculine energy. While I can never distill into a single book everything there is to learn and discover about femininity, I can pass on hard-earned lessons and insights that helped me unearth the gems that served as guiding principles in the path toward becoming the Feminine Woman.


The secrets of the Feminine Woman cannot be fully grasped from an intellectual standpoint alone. It cannot be learned using the traditional approach. At the core of this concept is the “feeling,” which is where and how femininity can be taught and understood.

The key to understanding feminine energy is wrapping our minds around the irrefutable fact that femininity ceases to exist without the capacity to feel. 


The ability to feel is the gateway to accessing feminine energy

Meanwhile, the Feminine Woman possesses a deep and unconditional love and understanding of every part of herself, specifically her “inner child.”

Hence, the Feminine Woman must constantly be attuned to herself and her inner child. She also has a firm belief that she is “good enough” and worthy of love, wealth, abundance, and happiness.
She refrains from comparing herself to others because doing so is a negative behavior emanating from a negative ego.

The Feminine Woman is free from the need for any validation because she genuinely likes who she is, and because of this, she chooses to be her authentic self at all times. She is clear in her goals and desires and is not waiting for someone else to resolve her issues or provide her with direction. She knows exactly what she wants and doesn’t hesitate to pursue her goals.

She is free from the constraints of the negative ego, which constantly seeks external approval, and instead only seeks validation from the one person who truly matters: herself. It is always vital to keep in mind that seeking validation to appease a sense of insecurity is a behavior that neglects her and activates him: the distorted ego.

At the core of the Feminine Woman is a deep sense of love for herself and, in effect, others. All her decisions stem from this place, which is apparent in everything she does. Masculine men find women with this type of self-assurance very magnetic.


What Others Are Saying

Wow! I am in awe with this one! Speechless! Lol Fareen’s other book is amazing but this one?! HEARTFELT people

Reading this book hit me with a wave of emotions. I started crying!! (That has never happened before! Lol) Thru out this book you can feel Fareen’s warmth radiate, her love & wisdom and just how genuine & authentic she is. I love how Peter described Fareen as “light & bright” and has a pure heart! I can definitely feel this as well! Everything that she speaks about in this book is exactly what she is and what she teaches. So magical!


I started working with Fareen Ash just over a month ago. I feel so blessed to have met her and thanks for sharing your wisdom through your coaching and the two books. I loved reading ” what men want” but this post I wanted to talk specifically about her second book “ Secrets of Feminine Woman, Revealed “ . Feminine energy is a feeling. It’s really courageous to share your own life journey and experiences. Emotion is pathway to one’s true feelings. The importance of listening to our own self and reflecting on one selves is so important. This book is so beautifully written and I can feel Fareen’s energy of love and openness. This is not a one time read but a great reminder of so many things to live life and refer it over and over again. Thanks again for the love and wisdom you share through this book and otherwise. Loads of love

What stood out to me so far is that as feminine women, we must take action & pursue what we want (just not men – we only date them!)

I always had this idea in my head that a feminine woman basically just attracts everything to herself but no! That’s not how it works! We take action! We move towards what we want just not from a place of desperation/needy yuck energy! Haha

Some sentences in the book – when I read them – I felt an unknotting in different parts of my body. I automatically came face to face with certain emotions/feelings that I have been holding up. I saw my resistance, stiffness, rigidity. It just came up organically. It felt good. I felt softened. I realised how far – most of us – have drifted from our true nature & authentic selves. The book is not about learning to be a certain way. It’s about learning to be YOU. Coming back home to yourself



Introduction to Femininity

Secrets of the Feminine Woman cannot be fully grasped from an intellectual standpoint alone. It cannot be learned using the traditional approach. At the core of this concept is the “feeling,” which is where and how femininity can be taught and understood.
The lessons in this book did not come from mere third-party observations. Rather, these came from personal experiences that molded the author into the person she is today. The concepts stemmed from real-life insights, starting as far back as her childhood and her relationships with her father and mother.

Feminine energy, is energy

The key to understanding feminine energy is wrapping our minds around the irrefutable fact that femininity ceases to exist without the capacity to feel. Therefore, being unable to feel means being unable to access the feminine energy. This is because feminine energy is feeling.
More specifically, feminine energy produces a good feeling. When this becomes our core energy, we feel good. We feel trusting, safe, happy, fulfilled, loved, beautiful, calm, and relaxed. While the good feeling cannot be guaranteed 24/7, having it us our core energy ensures that our dominant state is a feeling of good.

“Her.” Our inner girl, aka the inner child
The Feminine Woman possesses a deep and unconditional love and understanding of every part of herself, specifically her “inner child.” This process may take a while for some after their inner child experienced a long history of self-betrayal and self-neglect. This often results in identities developed through negative behaviours and dependent on external factors. Nevertheless, it is never too late to connect with one’s inner child to reach the deeper layers of our souls and eventually find peace and contentment.
“Him.” Our negative ego

The Feminine Woman is firm in her belief that she is “good enough” and worthy of love, wealth, abundance, and happiness. She refrains from comparing herself from others because doing so is a negative behaviour emanating from a negative ego.
If it does happen, the Feminine Woman understands that the negative emotion is a result of an external factor, which she will explore and react towards. Her “stillness” or refusal to allow herself to engage in this negative behavior will strengthen her inner child and deflate the negative ego. It is always vital to keep in mind that seeking validation to appease a sense of insecurity is a behavior that neglects her and activates him: the distorted ego.


The Feminine Woman is free from the need for any validation because she genuinely likes who she is, and because of this, she chooses to be her authentic self at all times. She is free from the constraints of the negative ego, which constantly seeks external approval, and instead only seeks validation from the one person who truly matters: herself.
How do we know then if we’re living our authentic selves? Well, the Feminine Woman acts and communicates in accordance with her core values rather than in defiance of them. She does not allow the judgment of others to dictate the way she lives her life. In contrast, the negative ego is extremely conscious of that and is encumbered with what society has to say.

Intuition versus Ego

The Feminine Woman lives in the moment. When faced with a daunting situation, she rejects the idea of being trapped in an endless loop of worry and negative self-talk. Unlike men, who choose to strategize, the Feminine Woman opts to be guided by intuition. She has a clear idea of what she wants and what she needs to do, so she lets her instincts guide her through the rest of the process. If she’s unable to find a way to solve the problem, she seeks expert help. Ultimately, she allows her intuition to guide her toward a resolution.

The Markers of Healthy Identity

The Feminine Woman possesses a high self-worth. Therefore, she tends to be ambitious, intelligent, driven, self-sufficient, and independent. She is clear in her goals and desires and is not waiting for someone else to resolve her issues or provide her with direction. She knows exactly what she wants and doesn’t hesitate to pursue her goals.
This is an attractive quality among masculine men. They gravitate towards strong and capable women who can take care of their own needs and are not too dependent on their partners. Meeting a woman who is not reliant on him but expresses how he brings a positive difference in her life is a feeling masculine men crave.

Feminine Acceptance

The Feminine Woman looks forward to her future, but still knows how to relish her present and her current accomplishments. She embraces the timing of her life and does not force or push for things to happen quicker. She accepts where she is and trusts that she will reach her aspirations in due time. Instead of resisting the tide, she goes with the flow and enjoys the victories every step of the way.
The Feminine Woman looks forward to her future, but still knows how to relish her present and her current accomplishments. She is always content with where she is, and she not only accepts this, but she also looks for the positive aspects of her current situation. For her, there is nothing better than being right now.

Feminine Presence

The Feminine Woman lives in the moment. When faced with a daunting situation, she rejects the idea of being trapped in an endless loop of worry and negative self-talk. Unlike men, who choose to strategize, the Feminine Woman opts to be guided by intuition. Because she has a clear understanding of her needs, emotions, and feelings, she can easily determine the cause of her concerns and identify potential solutions. If she’s unable to find a way to solve the problem, she seeks expert help.
This is an effective solution for the Feminine Woman because the very essence of femininity is stillness and being-ness. She refuses to be trapped in the vicious cycle of over-analysis and overthinking. Hence,
The ability to be in the moment, happy and not in her head is deeply attractive and a very feminine quality. This chapter discusses being-ness and it’s pulling nature.

Feminine Unreasonableness

The Feminine Woman is exceptionally reasonable. However, her patience and understanding have limitations. She is capable of expressing her desires clearly and without any ambiguity until she decides to stop. Having a wide range of emotions is essential, but it only holds value if the woman is being reasonable. Unless a woman is reasonable, masculine men won’t believe her when she says she wants something because it will be the same old story of her crying wolf.


Generally, masculine men steer away from emotional excesses. The Feminine Woman has a positive and lighthearted demeanor. This is the type of aura that attracts balanced men as opposed to women who create drama in a dynamic. While masculine men do not shy away from emotions, they reject the type of emotional meltdowns caused by irrationality and insecurity.
Masculine men tend to strive for harmony in relationships and will go to any lengths to avoid being subjected to a constant barrage of emotionally draining events. Because of her ability to regulate her own emotions, the Feminine Woman will captivate the attention of balanced men. They are not worried that she’ll lose her cool or become irate over something insignificant.

Feminine Masculine Energy

The Feminine Woman is not solely composed of femininity. It is impossible for us to fully express our femininity unless we have the support of our masculine energy. After all, being open, trusting, and vulnerable necessitates strength. It’s simpler and less scary to be cold and closed to the world. Without this internal strength, we shield ourselves from the world and from our loved ones.
The Feminine Woman experiences the same anxieties as the rest of us, but she refuses to let them control her. Only someone with a strong inner strength and unshakeable trust in herself could live by the feminine energy principles. Hence, the Feminine Woman goes about her life trusting her instincts instead of her ego.

Feminine Disposition

Being around the Feminine Woman’s energy is like being wrapped with a warm, fuzzy blanket. This is because they exude a contagious sense of well-being and positivity. Her energetic, warm, and inviting disposition makes everyone around her lighthearted and content as well. This demeanor tends to stay the same even when she goes through hardships because she is naturally positive and happy.
Instead of letting challenges bring her down, the Feminine Woman chooses to move forward and face her problems head-on. Rather than succumbing to victimhood or unhealthy masculine tendencies, the Feminine Woman explores the situation and attempts to learn from her experience.

The Energy of Giving versus Taking

The Feminine Woman has a healthy energy, which enables her to be giving and generous. She is at peace and content with herself, so she has no qualms about sharing her life force energy with others. Because of that, people feel happy and nourished in her presence. In contrast, being disconnected from the feminine energy pushes us to look to others to make us feel good. This makes our aura feel heavy. Healthy people find being in this situation draining.


Femininity can only exist in the presence of love. We cannot be feminine if our hearts are filled with feelings of jealousy, envy, and hatred toward ourselves and others. The Feminine Woman has a strong sense of self-love, which extends to others. All her decisions stem from this place, and it is apparent in everything she does. Masculine men find women with this type of self-assurance very magnetic. Therefore, femininity is love.

It should be called the “Feminine Energy Bible”

Fareen shares her wisdom with so much generosity, care and thoroughness. This is what attracted me to Fareen initially—the sincerity, clarity and truth in her messages and this book is an extension of that. I feel so lucky to have been given the opportunity to have this book and to work with Fareen. It is helping me become the kind of woman I’ve always wanted to be.

When I was younger I would see women that had qualities described in this book and admire them from afar. They had this warmth, confidence, strength and inner security, this “it” factor that was so compelling and mysterious to me. Like Fareen writes, “In our day-to-day lives, we yearn to experience who she is.” I wanted to be like them, embody those qualities, have the success and love that they had but I had no idea how. We have all been exposed to so much unhealed trauma and dysfunction from our families, ancestors,

community, etc. and then we all operate from that place and we are in an echo chamber. We don’t really get the opportunity to see and be exposed to healthy true femininity (and masculinity) and have it modelled to us. It’s like a piece of us has been missing and we have been blindly trying to retrieve it. The book helps you to understand what that missing piece is and what it looks like!


About Fareen

Fareen Ash is an intimacy, relationship and attraction expert.

For a time, Fareen lived in government housing on welfare with her mother, who suffered from mental illness. Fareen spent much of her time caring for her, working multiple jobs while attending graduate school.

She worked tirelessly to earn scholarships to help subsidize her education and practiced as a litigator for nearly 10 years, which exposed her to the dynamics between men and women and the inherent energies that govern human behaviour.

She has since dedicated her life to helping accomplished women unleash their feminine power, heal themselves emotionally and rewire their minds to embody their authentic essence. She is passionate about feminine energy embodiment in both love and leadership.

Fareen has developed a unique method for mastering the mind, overcoming emotional blocks and relieving habitual negative patterning. Her mission is to demonstrate that femininity is a woman’s superpower.

This book was a breath of fresh air!

Reading Fareen’s new book Secrets Of The Feminine Woman Revealed was a breath of fresh air from the first page to the last. From previous coaching with Fareen my journey has continued on. She is an amazing coach who has helped me to see the woman I needed to be. Reading her new book was like looking at myself in the mirror. Exposing myself and inspiring myself all at once. Identifying the behaviors that have deviated me from listening to my heart. To become an authentic version of who I really am. To grow even more and realize I still have self sabotaging patterning behaviors and where those were coming from. Yet the deeper awareness I received from her latest book have taken me to a higher level within my heart. And I feel like she has just shared her deepest secret with me! But I realized I’ve had inside of me all of the time.

– Pam

I love this book!

It is light, breezy, and literally a bible for all the women of the world. Whether single or in a relationship, this gem should be on every womans book shelf. Thank you for writing this book Fareen and for keeping it real and loving. I am so proud of you

– Kat

A book that I cannot put down!

Secrets of the feminine woman revealed is the second book that I cannot put down by Fareen Ash. I would buy anything this girl writes. Both of her books are not a one time read. I highly recommend both of Fareens books. I’m so appreciative that I know her. I really feel she is brilliant conversant insightful conscious and informed. Her books are excellent resources for women looking for knowledge. I just love this lady

– Anonymous

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Secrets of the Feminine Woman Revealed

More Readers' Love

“Secrets of the Feminine Woman, Revealed,” is a powerful experience. As I read the Preface I felt an openness like nothing I have ever felt. It seems more accurate to say, I felt the “Preface” more than I read it. It was as if I was anticipating the secrets of life, and I was preparing for a journey. The words weren’t processing through my mind, so much as, energetically opening my body and charging my cells. I have spent time coaching with Fareen one on one, I can tell you, she is what she teaches. She embodies and radiates love, compassion, wisdom, grace, vulnerability and strength; it has drawn me in and entranced me from the first time I read one of her messages. You don’t see it, read it or hear it; you feel it… you feel her. As I dive into this book, it is the same experience again. I am feeling it and experiencing it. I am experiencing her through this book. It is her.

There is a magnetism in this book, that cannot be summed up by the words. It is simply the essence of Fareen illuminated and rippling out from it’s purest intent. Love. The feminine in me is drawn to it, like a beacon calling to me. So much of my life, I’ve spent numb; as a teenager, I’d even occasionally think, I didn’t feel enough and something must be wrong with me. If feeling is feminine, and we are the energy we are made of, I have been lost from myself for a very long time. This book is a guide home. With Fareen’s guidance, I have learned to start feeling again; I have been acquainted with myself for what feels like the first time. In the moments I put my ego aside, I am allowed to feel so immensely, I often end up in tears.

Now I cry from happiness, I cry from sadness, I cry from joy, I cry from gratitude. I cry. The Contrast of numbness to pure feeling is intense and overwhelming, so I cry. To feel is to be home; so here, I feel secure and I feel safe and I feel strong. By the end of Chapter One, I had tears in my eyes. “Secrets of the Feminine Woman, Revealed,” brings a clarity of understanding to what I’m feeling and experiencing. For this and to you, Fareen, I am eternally grateful. It is a priceless gift to know thyself, and I welcome this journey inward. For me, the journey’s just begun. To the feminine women searching for that thing, that feeling, in your life that’s been missing, “Secrets of the Feminine Woman, Revealed,” is gift of her teachings. It is a gift of her. It is a gift of you, to you.

Sarah S.

I was so excited to start reading Fareen’s second book “Secrets of the Feminine Woman, Revealed,” and it didn’t disappoint! In fact, I was only meant to read a few pages as it was past 11 p.m already but I ended up reading the whole book. Fareen really conveys the energy of what femininity is and this is what has inspired me to reach out to her several weeks ago to start 1-1 coaching with her. I was so disconnected from my heart before but I’ve learnt to allow myself to feel and to handle my negative emotions. Fareen teaches us that our heart is our getaway to everything we desire and we don’t need to use force to make things happen (something I am still learning!). Our heart is a magnet to all of our desires.

There is so much wisdom in the book that if I mention it all here, it’ll be a very long review, but some of the many things I personally resonated with was that it is the energy from which we communicate that matters most. That the Feminine Woman accepts things as they are and she allows things to unfold organically and does not rush through any phase of where she’s at. If we do not have trust in divine timing, we will always be unhappy because we will always be looking for more (ego). And that the ego will want things NOW and the more that we want things NOW, the longer and slower it takes to arrive. Something that Fareen still needs to keep reminding me of! You can really experience Fareen and her essence through this book. I love it and love you and appreciate you so much, Fareen!


I love you so much! I thank you from the bottom of my heart for writing ‘Secrets of the Feminine Woman Revealed’! I didn’t have so much experience with what healthy femininity looks or feels like but it comes through your book so clearly in the most loving way. I appreciate every word as you share about the connection with our inner child, standing up for ourselves and being a feminine woman!
I love how you are present in your book and it makes me feel as if am having a conversation with you as I am reading it. It speaks to my heart and brings up emotions I haven’t really faced. I was on pins and needles. And now reading it makes my heart flutters!
It is. The words, the title, the energy, it is everything a book can give. It is a wonderful piece and I love it so much! I love you so much!

To be in your feminine is to FEEL. It is to feel into your intuition, to trust divine timing and be in acceptance; be happy where you are or take action when it FEELS right. To be in this place you have to value who you are first, know your truth and just BE…bye bye ego!
The book not only discusses the attractive characteristics of the feminine but also emphasises the distorted ego, making it so easy to identify when you are slipping back into your old ways or what you need go inward for and reflect on.
I am really so grateful you wrote this book Fareen! I can hear you in this book and realize what you were teaching me through coaching almost a year ago! ما شا الله It feels comforting and inspiring to read what you preach…it’s helping me in ways you don’t realise right now!
Fareen, you really deserve all the praise and recognition coming your way, it’s only through your own femininity that the teaching of how to be feminine is so easy to understand in this book!

I love you


I’m so honored to write a review for this book! This book is glass shattering to say it lightly! This book is about FEELING. You’re going to want to intellectualize it but you won’t be able to. It’s for a very special woman, a woman who can intuitively FEEL what’s being said about femininity! That’s what it was for me – it was Fareen showing me a feeling! Through all the time I’ve known her, she has lived and breathed what she writes. She is pure and this book is pure. When your heart is closed, you cannot tap into your intuition. She is an intuitive feeler. No one would describe it better than her. And in the large chunk of the time I’ve known her, my heart had been closed.

Because of her, I’ve learned to feel, to not be afraid of feeling – and this means ALL feelings. Happiness, sadness, all of it!! and this is something that dramatically keeps the lines of energy OPEN so there can be continuous flow in your life. Isn’t that what we all want? For life or the universe to support us in our journey? But if the programming is broken and we are not able to DOWNLOAD what we need to reach our DESIRES then it won’t work – and this book is that – it’s about being able to download, it’s about us being the strong intuitive women that we are so we can reach our DESIRES. But most importantly, this book is Fareen. I get chills reading some parts of it because it is her life, it is her work, it is her authenticity, her love and compassion that come out through the book. It is one of the most inspirational peices I’ve ever read!!


Openheartedness, lightness, trust, love… that’s what this book is about. I am so engrossed in this book that I am in wonder of how Fareen has managed to put all the feelings and embodying femininity into words. I’ve always had trouble connecting with my feelings, and she has described every aspect of this in the book. She is correct when she says in the book that femininity can’t be taught intellectually but only by being true to the feelings. Either the good feelings or the bad feelings, just feel the feelings.

Before I came across Fareen’s coaching, I’ve always searched for ways to heal myself — YouTube, books, self-help webinars, meditations, you name it, and I have looked at all of it. I tried my best to make sense of it intellectually and hoped for a better outcome for myself. Despite all the self-healing that I tried, there was always this turbulent within me, and I kept searching for more and more. It was only when I started coaching with her that I understood everything was within me. just like how she explains it in the book. It is only when you are accepting of yourself and when you let your feelings rise up, that you will feel the love and the peace.

Hence, you will be in touch with your femininity. It takes time, and she is right! The more you’ll be in touch with your feelings, the more you’ll understand who you are, and then time is the only thing that you will give yourself. There will be no rushing, forcing or turbulences. That is when you will be surrounded by peace and calm. You will be aware of all the feelings that rises up within you if you read this with an open heart and your hand on your heart. If you pay close enough attention, you’ll be able to sense what you’re experiencing deep down inside, as well as the feelings you’re attempting to avoid. Everything will rise up within you, and if you can pay attention to it and be conscious of it, you will be in touch with your corevalues—the Feminine. When it happens, you’ll notice that the energy around you has also transformed, as you are the energy!. I hope all of you will read this book, because it is only she that has explained the matter of heart and mind to bring us back to who we are at the core of our being. I love you all.


Secrets of the Feminine, the next book from Fareens collection is incredible. What men want is a woman who chooses herself!
Not in a selfish way, but a way that is so loving to herself that she only acts out of love and pure intent to everyone around her. No resentment or blame can happen with a woman who holds herself. accountable to her own happiness! This and so much more are things I’ve learned and am looking to embody after reading Fareen’s book. It’s been a hard week for me, especially with Mother’s Day, where I have tended to find myself blaming my parents for my defensive and unloving characteristics.

I took my mom out to dinner in the middle of reading this book and was able to be fully present with her and put all blame aside. Later that night when she didn’t like a boundary I put up calmly when I wouldn’t do what she demanded, she said “I guess you come first!” And the thing is, I do! I won’t tolerate being disrespected or treated badly. I’m learning to communicate. Finishing up the book last night left me feeling lighter and held me when I felt in a dark and lonely space. I’m really grateful to Fareen! I can see the dysfunctional relationships from the healthy ones just by walking in grocery stores. Ones where the man looks downtrodden and a woman berates him in public to the one where a woman lovingly places her palm on her man’s shoulder, understanding the burden of a man, and her own responsibility to take accountability for herself and her emotions. I could go on, I’m just grateful and working on placing the lessons I’d love from this book into all relationships. Thank you Fareen!


THIS BOOK! Going through actual coaching with Fareen was where I first felt truly transformed in my being, and even though feminine embodiment is a daily practice for me, I LOVEEEEDDDDD reading this book!!!She explains so clearly what being feminine actually is, and models through her writing what healthy femininity is. It gives, it loves, it knows the difference between internal insecurity and actually negative external events. I started a new job this week and this book was a reminder to take things slowly, to not focus on proving myself and pushing early on because of past workplace experiences where I was told I wasn’t doing enough or wasn’t pushing enough.

I will support myself through my healthy masculine and feminine energy but won’t force or manipulate or push, and instead I’ll focus on truly supporting my team and our projects and feeling into my intuition to pace myself. This book is another must read from Fareen!!! Again, I just about highlighted the entire book and am going to re-read again. I love how I feel reading the book too, like I can be honest with myself and not afraid of admitting where I want to improve. I love you Fareen!!


I want to take this opportunity to share something with you all. I started working with Fareen Ash just over a month ago. I feel so blessed to have met her and thanks for sharing your wisdom through your coaching and the two books. I loved reading ” what men want” but this post I wanted to talk specifically about her second book “ Secrets of Feminine Woman, Revealed “. Feminine energy is a feeling. It’s really courageous to share your own life journey and experiences. Emotion is pathway to one’s true feelings.

The importance of listening to our own self and reflecting on one selves is so important. This book is so beautifully written and I can feel Fareen’s energy of love and openness. This is not a one time read but a great reminder of so many things to live life and refer it over and over again. Thanks again for the love and wisdom you share through this book and otherwise. Loads of love!


I’m so excited to write this review of Fareen’s new book because it’s SO SO SOO amazing!!!!!! I feel honoured that I was bestowed the opportunity to read such enlightening words! Everything just made SENSE, it resonated, it is truth. Reading it was so insightful and she offers such valuable information. If you connect with Fareen and resonate with her posts/words and what she’s about, this book will speak to you. She is just SO spot on. I found myself highlighting almost everything in the book it’s practically all yellow!!!

I loved all of it. I have to read it again it’s just so much truth and valuable lessons, reminders, and feel good. It’s exactly what I needed. It was like her coaching sessions but condensed into a book. So many Ah-ha moments. Stuff is clicking. Way after coaching and reading this book enforced and reminded me of my growth and what else I am stull learning. It’s such a beautiful read and she truly embodies her teachings which is HUGE.

Her partner wrote such genuine, kind words and appreciation for her way of BEING/her existence which truly emphasize her embodiment of the energy she teaches!!!! She didn’t have to DO anything she just naturally emits this energy that attracts which is what the book is about, embodying feminine energy, what we’re all learning about. Although it’s not about content, she emphasizes embodiment and energy and this book is an amazing archetype of the feminine woman and what embodiment looks like.

It’s funny, when I started reading it, she writes  “I love you” to end her chapters, as she embodies this loving energy. That day, I go in a store and hear this happy, catchy song titled I love you! The synchronicity of it was really cute and I couldn’t help but laugh.

Sarah S.

I feel honored to share my feelings regarding Fareen’s book Secrets of the Femenime Woman,  Reaveled. First of all I want to thank Fareen for beautifully baring her whole self.  For graciously gifting her energy.  For pouring out her unconditional love in what she sees to be possible and true. In addition to being beautiful on the outside, she radiates  beauty from her soul, that beauty that will last forever. I connected with Fareen about two years ago through Facebook.  Although we haven’t worked 101, I have had the great fortune to continue my personal journey to enrichment and personal growth, by reading, learning  and embracing what she shares on her posts. You start reading the book…and OMG! A minute into it, you realize that it is not just any other book that you have in your hands.  You immediately have to STOP to reflect and connect with her teachings. 

See? CONNECTING and FEELING is something you have no way of escaping when you immerse yourself in. Through it, Fareen forces you to pause in a world that many of us rush past, because we just have a big AGENDA, in every move, in anything and everything we do. Always an agenda. Yikes! In her work, she makes you take a deep look at your behaviors, the way you deal with with yourself and others. Then, opens up a window for you to discover yourself and experience your complete being. In this moment!

While reading the book yesterday I received a message, which it triggered me inside. I almost immediately respond to my natural  instinct, the one saying, oh well… let’s see how my response makes you feel. But then, I asked myself… How would she handle this moment?  The response was immediate!  I read the message again and connected with how those words made me feel. My response was calm and subtle, I was able to express my heart with full confidence and strength.

Fareen, THANK YOU, once again for your dedication and insatiable desire to activate in each woman that beauty that is dormant. LOVE, LOVE YOU! And everything you are doing!


Wow. I just finished reading this book and it is a book that every woman needs to read! It should be called the “Feminine Energy Bible.” Fareen shares her wisdom with so much generosity, care and thoroughness. This is what attracted me to Fareen initially—the sincerity, clarity and truth in her messages and this book is an extension of that. I feel so lucky to have been given the opportunity to have this book and to work with Fareen. It is helping me become the kind of woman I’ve always wanted to be.

When I was younger I would see women that had qualities described in this book and admire them from afar. They had this warmth, confidence, strength and inner security, this “it” factor that was so compelling and mysterious to me. Like Fareen writes, “In our day-to-day lives, we yearn to experience who she is.” I wanted to be like them, embody those qualities, have the success and love that they had but I had no idea how. We have all been exposed to so much unhealed trauma and dysfunction from our families, ancestors, community, etc. and then we all operate from that place and we are in an echo chamber. We don’t really get the opportunity to see and be exposed to healthy true femininity (and masculinity) and have it modelled to us. It’s like a piece of us has been missing and we have been blindly trying to retrieve it. The book helps you to understand what that missing piece is and what it looks like!

This book is so valuable and amazing in that Fareen clearly articulates and describes the foundational elements to what being feminine truly means. Her compassion, love, honesty and thoroughness are like a deep tissue massage for emotional knots–sometimes it hurts but it’s what we need. Because what we see as expression on the surface is the tip of the iceberg. There is all this major foundational stuff that goes into it, and this book tells you the truth about what it is and how to develop this. Fareen is honest and open about femininity and herself. Its such a deep experience to read these words and feel into what it means for yourself. I feel so thankful that I am on this journey and what it means for my life, my potential, my career, my romantic relationship and what I will pass onto my own children when I have them. I feel excited about what this journey is creating in me and in my reality! Thank you Fareen for writing this book and for being you!!


Wowzer!! What a book. Jam packed with magical nuggets of awesomeness. I even colour coded my highlights. That is what this book is full of, highlighted truth wrapped with warmth, love and heathy femininity. To say I adore it is an understatement. I couldn’t put it down, it is my number 1 go to and has so much quality, I can re-read again and again.

Too many best parts to share but I think my favourite take away was getting clear on your needs. I just loved how you explain this so clearly and the importance of why. I felt inspired. That’s what this book gave me, inspiration to embody my ‘her’. To celebrate my femininity and hold it with so much love and joy.

This book is Fareen. Giving wisdom, showing where to take accountability, acceptance, love and a motherly guide on how to become your best feminine woman. This book gives women hope and the truth that the feminine woman is always in us. We just have to tune in to the her that lives inside us. The information alone is a wow! filled with so much awareness. Then you have the added bonus of tools that connect you to your femininity and the how to on the attitude of the feminine woman. This book is just beautiful and is a must have for every woman.

Thank you Fareen Ash for writing it, for sharing with me and the world. I feel very blessed to have received this inspiring book and honoured to have read it. Just like your coaching, this book is the gift that keeps giving. I actually can’t wait to read again so it can all just be received like a warm hug once again. I felt loved reading it. It just feels so good. Thank you so so much.


Wow! There are no words to describe how much I enjoyed Fareen’s second book – Secrets of the Feminine Women? You HAVE to read THIS!!! I have worked with Fareen for over two years, and this pretty much sums up all her teachings in a nutshell. This book reminds me (though I know and don’t need to be reminded) of how super thankful I am to be working with her.

Where do I start?

First of all, I love how raw and vulnerable Fareen is in this book. How she is able to share her painful past and childhood with us. I can totally relate to feeling lost and abandoned as a child, and hearing Fareen’s struggles and how she overcame them gives me strength and makes me feel less alone. This gives us all hope that we are not victims of our circumstances and can also live empowered lives!

I really LOVED the chapter about the inner child. The inner child coaching Fareen and I previously did was one of my favorite parts of working with her. Thus, reading this chapter on inner child just made me feel comforted and a sensation of all around peace. After she taught me how to work with my inner child, I remember that same day I coloured in an adult colouring book and played classical music in my bedroom – colour was one of my coping mechanisms as a child. Whenever my parents would fight heatedly and I felt unsafe, I would lock myself up in my room upstairs and colour, shutting out the outside world. This chapter is gold and needs to be read and practiced!

As well, this book reminded me of things that Fareen iterated in our coaching such as the importance of not comparing ourselves to others and exposing ourselves to so much social media, and instead comparing ourselves to our past selves and embracing our own journey. I also loved and appreciated how Fareen referred to the Ego as him – a big bully. The analogy really hit home because the ego is just that. It pushes us and can destroy one’s livelihood if we don’t take charge and stand up to him.

There is so much more I could say about this book!

Honestly, Fareen is amazing. Unlike other relationship books that teach you how to be feminine, Fareen actually puts it into practice. As Fareen explains, none of the other teachings can work, as the energy does not match! Fareen, on the other hand, embodies a feminine person and so just by reading her book and working with her, you will grow more authentic and true to yourself.

I love her and this book xox


Reading her latest release, “Secrets of the Feminine Woman Revealed,” felt like balm to my soul.  I had a very different reaction than reading What Masculine Men Want.  The later, I was almost reading to learn, and I felt anticipation in my body.  And with her newest book, it was almost an invitation to sink deeper into myself which felt so nice and loving.

I have been working with Fareen for almost two years, and at one point this last month I had the urge to write a timeline of my evolution with her, however, I didn’t get around to it.  Fast forward a few weeks later and here I am reading Fareen’s new book and it’s almost as if I was cheating.  She has outlines the natural unlearning of a wounded femine to a High Value Feminine Woman.  I can only assume that there is a common and predictable pattern to this unlearning.  Fareen has shared with us how a deeply feminine woman so loyal to her own being feels like.

She explains the modern day feminine who has such a strong sense of self; boundaries; and most importantly a voice.  Up until recently, as someone who has never felt safe in this life, this is the safest exploration of a Feminine woman I have seen yet.  Many other teachings feel constricted and ones that only fortify a freeze or fawn response, in attempts to be “Feminine”.  This book feels so safe. In closing, what I really wanted to share is, fuk this book is good!

Line after line, there is wisdom.  I feel fortunate to have read it at a time where my negative ego seems to be a bit tamed, and I can receive Fareen’s words deeply. Thank you Fareen, this book is a true gem!


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Secrets of the Feminine Woman Revealed