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Fareen's Mission: Femininity is a Woman's Superpower

One only has to hear Fareen speak or be around her to feel the warmth, energy and femininity.

She is passionate about modernizing and restoring long-established dynamics around love and intimacy and is available to speak on traditional gender roles in love and relating and femininity in the workforce, leadership and entrepreneurship.

Fareen is the author of the books: What Men Want, The Ultimate Guide to a Masculine Man’s Heart and Secrets of the Feminine Woman, Revealed

She educates on the mechanics of masculine-feminine dynamics in long-term relationships through maximizing polarity and feminine leadership.

Fareen’s key talking points

Polarity & Its Function in Intimate Relationships

– Masculine/Feminine energy in love & relating
– Attraction
– Relationships

Femininity & Entrepreneurship

Masculine/Feminine energy in men & women

Femininity Today

Masculinity Today

Healing & Femininity

For all other inquiries and speaking points, please email at hello@fareenash.com

Fareen's Professional Bio

Intimacy, Relationship & Attraction Expert

Lawyer | Author | Speaker

Fareen has a Graduate Degree in Honours Sociology, a Post-Graduate Degree in Law, and is certified in Gender Intelligence and NeuroLinguistic/Timeline Therapy.

For a period in her life, Fareen lived in government housing on welfare with her mom, who suffered from depression. She spent much of her time caring for her mom, working three jobs while also attending school due to their lack of financial resources. She worked tirelessly to earn scholarships to help subsidize her education and was the recipient of the Women in Doctoral Studies Grant and recipient of the Alden-Baldy Scholarship.

Fareen practiced as a litigation lawyer for nearly ten years, where she gathered information on the dynamics between men and women and the inherent energies that govern human behavior.

She has since dedicated her life to helping accomplished women unleash their feminine power, heal the emotional body, and rewire the survival mind that keeps them from embodying their authentic essence.

She is passionate about Feminine Energy Embodiment in both love and leadership. Fareen has developed a unique and specialized method for mastering the mind, overcoming emotional blocks, and relieving habitual negative patterning. Her mission: Femininity is a woman’s superpower.

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