Men fall in love in your absence

Men fall in love in your absence

Video Summary and Transcription of “Men fall in love in your absence.”

Gender Differences in Love

Men fall in love in a woman’s absence, needing space to think, plan, and feel tension of missing her, while women fall in love when a man is actively pursuing them.

Women who are chasing men, trying to convince them of their value, are perceived as low value and drain energyfrom men.

Feminine Energy and Attraction

Healthy men are attracted to women who embody light, feminine, easy-going, and relaxed energy, without carrying negative emotions. Women in their empowered feminine energy allow men to close the gap and feel tension, which is crucial for men to fall in love.

Male Psychology in Relationships

Men need space and absence to evaluate their feelings and desire for a woman, activating a different part of their brain that makes them feel like they’re working for something they want. Painful and unpleasant emotions motivate men to move towards a woman, as the absence of anxiety may result in inaction to close the relationship gap.

Differences in Love Dynamics:

00:00  Men and women fall in love differently due to their energy and biology, and men fall in love when a woman is not around, so it’s important to function from the correct energy to resonate with the messages. Men and women fall in love in different ways due to their different energies and biology. Our habits and behaviors are influenced by our energy, and falling in love is counterintuitive when we are living in our correct energy. Men fall in love with a woman when she is not around, and it is important to function from the correct energy to resonate with the messages.

The video discusses how men and women fall in love differently due to their contrasting energies, biological differences, and emotional drivers.Men typically operate from masculine energy while women operate from feminine energy, influencing their beliefs, habits, and behaviors in relationships. When individuals function from their correct energies, they experience love in ways that may seem counterintuitive to the opposite sex.

Correct Energy and Its Importance:

 Being in one’s correct energy is crucial for understanding the dynamics of love, as those aligned with their energies resonate with the concepts discussed. When individuals are not in their correct energy, such as a woman in toxic feminine energy or a man in toxic masculine energy, they may struggle to grasp these love dynamics. Desire for a balanced relationship can lead individuals to seek partners who embody their correct energies, further emphasizing the importance of energy alignment.

How Men Fall in Love:

03:36 Men fall in love when women are not pursuing them, create distance and tension, and are in their empowered feminine energy. Men fall in love when women are not pursuing them and are in their empowered feminine energy, as men tend to think about and plan for women in their absence. Men fall in love when a woman creates distance and tension in the relationship, as opposed to expressing feelings of loneliness and seeking closeness. Men fall in love when a woman is not consistently taking up space and is light, feminine, easy-going, and relaxed in his presence.

-Men tend to fall in love during a woman’s absence, as this absence creates space for them to reflect on their feelings and desires. In contrast to women, who may feel more connected when courted, men often think about their partner and plan for the future in her absence. When men are not actively pursuing a woman, they may struggle to feel the same level of affection and connection, leading to a disconnect.

The Role of Space in Relationships:

09:38  Taking space from the relationship made the man realize he wanted to commit and solidify plans for the future. Taking space from a relationship can make a man realize his feelings and come back ready for something more serious. Space in a relationship allows men to evaluate their feelings and decide whether they want to pursue a deeper commitment. Healthy relationships benefit from periods of absence, enabling men to miss their partners and solidify their intentions for the future. Women often feel the urge to close the gap during these absences, but it is essential for men to have that space to develop their feelings independently.

Consequences of Pursuing Men:

12:00 Men fall in love when women give them space to miss their feminine energy, and women should avoid chasing men to allow them to feel confident in their feelings. Men fall in love when women provide independence and space, allowing them to miss their feminine energy and solidify their future together. Men need space and time away from women to evaluate their feelings and determine if they can’t live without her, and women should avoid chasing men in order to allow them to feel confident and secure in their feelings. When women chase men or attempt to convince them of their value, it can create pressure and lead men to feel trapped in the relationship. Men prefer to feel that they are pursuing the relationship, which allows them to develop genuine feelings and commitment. Chasing behaviors can signal insecurity and diminish a woman’s attractiveness in the eyes of a man who values his independence and space.

 Value Dynamics in Relationships:

The video introduces the concept of low value versus high value in relationships, where high value individuals contribute positively to their partner’s energy.Low value behaviors, such as chasing or seeking validation from a partner, can drain energy and create an unhealthy dynamic. A high value woman knows her worth and does not engage in negative behaviors that would compromise her relationship.



00:00:00 welcome back to another video in today’s video I want to speak about the ways in which a man and a woman falls in love and the ways in which men and women fall in love are counterintuitive to the opposite sex now this is really interesting and also makes a lot of sense when you think about it logically if you think about it men and women are made up differently right our bodies are different our biology is different our beliefs and habits and behaviors are all different and the reason it’s different


00:00:27 is because our energies are different and so if we’re operating from our correct energy our dominant energy which is our leading energy in life so for a woman I advocate that’s or feminine energy and for a man it’s going to be his masculine energy we function from our energy primarily so our beliefs our habits our behaviors are all going to function from the energy and therefore if we’re functioning from our correct energy our habit behaviors and beliefs the way if we fall in love our drivers are all going to be representative of


00:01:00 that core energy and therefore if we are actually leading life in our correct energy the way in which we fall in love is going to be counterintuitive to the opposite sex now those of us that are in our correct energy and function life from our dominant energy we’re gonna resonate with my message because that is going to resonate very much in your soul because you’re going to think that yes this is how I fall in love with a woman or yes this is how I fall in love with a man but oftentimes when we’re not


00:01:30 functioning from the correct energy or we’re functioning from the extreme version of our energy soul that would mean for a woman to be in her unhealthy feminine energy or toxic feminine or wounded feminine or a man functioning from his toxic masculine or wounded masculine they’re gonna have a harder time grasping my messages and they often might be triggered as well because they’re not functioning from the correct energy those of you that are functioning from the correct energy or even if you’re not functioning from the correct


00:02:00 energy but desire to function from the correct energy because your deep desire is to be with a man or a woman that is in you know their corrupt energy which is a man that’s in his masculine or a woman that’s in her feminine you’re gonna really resonate with my messages because that’s what you’re going to be seeking in your own life now the title gives it away in terms of how men fall in love men fall in love in a woman’s absence so whereas in a woman we will fall in love when a man is pursuing us courting us and sending nice messages


00:02:31 to us and following that up with action for me when I’m around my partner and I’m feeling safe with him and I’m able to expand more into my femininity so I’m goofy I’m playful I’m relaxed I’m actually feeling closer and closer to him whereas and when I’m not with him I forget about him in a way like my mind is not toward him because I’m so busy in my own life and it’s one of those things where it’s like out of sight out of mind doesn’t mean I don’t miss him I miss that connection because usually when I’m


00:03:02 with him I’m feeling super close to him and when I’m not with him especially if it’s a few days so right now we’re not living together and it’s been I haven’t seen him since Thursday I’m gonna see him today but when I haven’t seen him for this many days what will happen is and last night actually it didn’t hit me until eight o’clock at night that oh I felt lonely and the reason for that is because I spent so much time with him and we haven’t gone this many days without seeing each other now I wasn’t seeing


00:03:30 him the last few days because we lived separately and I had interviews and things like that this morning so I had work to do so for me when I’m not with him or I’m with a man and he’s not pursuing me and this is not to say that my partner is not pursuing me but let’s say in the beginning stages if a man is not pursuing me because I’m more in my feminine energy and I’m in my empowered feminine energy I tend to disconnect men on the other hand actually fall in love in this space so a man falls in love


00:03:57 with a woman when a man is thinking about a woman when he’s thinking about oh I can’t wait to be with her again when he’s planning for her in that absence in that space women that are not in their correct energies are again because if you’re in the empowered feminine you’re not going to chase a man or remind a man that you’re there especially when he’s not deserving of it as in you’re not engaged you’re not married it’s a very different story when you’re engaged to a man and married to a man last night I was telling my partner


00:04:25 that oh I miss him and I oh it’s hit me that I feel lonely and of course his natural response was come stay with us come here he’s naturally going to try to close that Gap now if I wasn’t in that sort of dynamic with him and I wasn’t at that stage of a relationship with him and we weren’t engaged we weren’t going to be getting married there’s no way I would say that to him because it would not be attractive to me if a man wasn’t closing in that Gap now men on the other hand fall in love through that tension


00:04:58 they fall in love in a woman’s absence they fall in love when their thoughts are going back to her and they’re thinking oh I miss her I want to plan something I want to see her what am I going to see her again they fall in love in that Gap they don’t fall in love when a woman is consistently taking up all this space because a man wants to take up space so when the feminine energy is taking up that space intentionally and it’s coming from a space of insecurity because she can’t be alone she doesn’t


00:05:26 want to be alone she’s desperate or she’s taking the man’s rule in that she’s convincing the man that you know she’s right for him or you know they should be together what happens with a man that’s in his masculine is he feels pressure he doesn’t feel good in that because he’s feeling a lot of pressure he’s feeling oh shoot like I have to be in this relationship and oftentimes he’ll feel trapped and men are not thinking about this but unconsciously they want to be the one to feel all these feelings for a woman and they want


00:05:58 to be able to move toward her and so healthy men will fall in love with the woman that in his presence she is light and feminine and easy going and relaxed and she doesn’t carry a lot of negative emotions so oftentimes women that are more in the wound of feminine and the comment place is such a great way to see where people’s energies are because people that leave negative comments or are triggered they’re often in the unbalanced energy because women and men that are in the corrupt energies aren’t


00:06:32 going to spend time on the internet saying negative things to people they don’t function that way if they don’t resonate with someone they just don’t follow that person that’s how I would function there’s no good or bad to anyone’s content it either just resonates or it doesn’t resonate and if it’s something that doesn’t feel good to you or doesn’t resonate you don’t have to follow me you can follow someone else and vice versa so the people that actually spend time commenting and saying negative things or telling me how


00:06:58 it is they’re in their incorrect energy the correct energies don’t do that when a man is in the presence of a woman that is in her empowered feminine energy he’s feeling good feeling feelings with her right so good feelings means she’s light she’s empowered she’s happy she’s Carefree there’s no pressure there’s not a lot of heavy negative emotions and if we don’t do our inner work we’re going to carry a lot of heavy negative emotions and even if we can’t see it other people can see it and other people


00:07:28 can feel it right and so a man is not going to fall in love with that type of woman a man is usually going to feel that woman is going to be a lot of work in the relationship and he’s not going to pursue that Dynamic but when a man is with a woman that is in her feminine and she’s empowered she’s like she feels good to be around she’s confident she doesn’t cause a lot of drama when she’s not there he starts to miss her and he starts to think oh I can’t wait to be around this woman again and he thinks


00:08:01 about her and he plans their future and he wants to be with her in an empowered feminine woman allows that Gap to be there allows that space intention to be there so that a man can close that Gap I believe everyone inherently has value but there are low value meaning that they suck a person’s energy so this is where low value and high value comes from a person that is considered by value gives energy to their surroundings and gives energy to other people a person that is low value is like an energy suck I think they are takers and


00:08:34 they don’t give energy they take energy so a woman that is consistently chasing a man and trying to convince a man of her value is a low value woman because in convincing you are sucking the energy of a man you’re not allowing him room to think of you miss you and actually close that Gap because those are feelings that he needs to feel in order to feel that a woman is right for him when a man is with a woman that provides the sort of tension and provides space and knows her worth and doesn’t put up what negative


00:09:08 of behavior of a man a man starts to think I don’t want to lose this woman now I talk about this in my books as well in terms of what a masculine man wants secrets of the feminine woman and as well as what men want The Ultimate Guide to a masculine man’s heart so make sure you check out those books there’s such amazing resources if you want to learn about masculine feminine energy and my partner actually wrote in both of these books and he mentioned that he knew that I was the one for him when the


00:09:35 thought of me not being there it’s not something that he could fathom now there’s been point in our relationship where I have taken space from Hannah because let’s say that the relationship was not progressing in a pace that I wanted so as an example I’m turning 40 and it’s been a few years since I’ve been with him but I knew that I wanted to be married I knew that I wanted to be a wife and I wasn’t looking for a relationship with just a boyfriend anymore a few months into our relationship when he wanted to move into


00:10:05 commitment I wasn’t ready for commitment because I didn’t want to be a girlfriend anymore I wanted to be a wife and there were moments where I continued to date and my partner didn’t like it but in that absence is when he started to solidify plans for our future and this was no force it was just me taking care of myself and knowing that I’m a catch and any man would want to be with me and I’m at a point in my life where I don’t want to be a girlfriend that’s not the type of relationship that I want and


00:10:33 even moving into engagement there was a moment where my partner was going to propose and we got sidetracked because of other things that happened in our life it looked like that was going to be delayed and instead of me waiting around for him and there was a period of time where I gave him Grace but at some point I realized that going to wait around for a man to take the next steps with me and I had said this to him I said to him I know that you have things that you need to figure out in your personal life and


00:11:02 that’s okay but I can’t keep all my eggs in this basket anymore because I am getting older and I do want to be married and I took space from him now this wasn’t a situation where my partner wasn’t going to propose he was going to propose it wasn’t a situation where he he wasn’t doing all the things he needs to be doing as a man in a relationship he was doing everything that he should be doing he’s an amazing quality handsome high-value man but for me I was looking to move into another stage in our relationship and I didn’t want to be


00:11:33 in the relationship anymore without being engaged it just didn’t feel good to me and so I took space and in that and I actually said to him even in that time period I said don’t reach out to me don’t contact me until you’re ready for something more serious and we are meant to be together I trust that we will be together it was about a week and he came back with a ring it was like literally seven days because in my presence he feels so good I added so much value to his life I’m educated I’m independent


00:12:02 but I also give him a feeling of being needed I provide all these things to him that he needed that when I wasn’t with him he missed thought he missed my feminine energy he missed her time together and that is what really propelled him to move into the next step now even to this date every single time we take space or I’m out with my friends or anything like that I tend to notice that is the times that he is solidifying our future more and more now men can’t do this when they are always in the presence of a woman because they’re in


00:12:37 the moment they’re with the woman so they’re not up in their head thinking about the next steps it’s when they take space and time from the woman that they can evaluate okay is this a woman that I want to be with is this a woman I don’t want to be with and do I miss her so if a man is not feeling the feelings of doing miss her he’s not going to be able to close that Gap because he’s not going to feel enough of those good feelings to solidify things to the next step now women that close that Gap so every


00:13:08 single time a woman wants to message a man and it makes sense why a woman would want to close the gap because women are connection oriented so by Nature we are designed differently however men need a period of disconnection in order to feel sort of feelings and in order to decide whether is this a woman that I want to be with is this a woman that I want to spend my time with and the only way that he’s gonna be able to determine that within himself is when there’s space and there’s absence because men fall in love


00:13:38 with women when they know that I can’t live without her and there’s so many examples of couples that break up and a man is unsure or they take space at him that’s Feast is when they realize I can’t not be with this woman and it’s usually when the woman is not chasing him because the moment that a woman chases a man if the man is masculine the man is gonna think there’s something about this woman that doesn’t feel good to me and the reason is because a woman that chases a man is not confident and


00:14:06 doesn’t feel good about herself every single time you reached out to a man and you’ve tried to solidify things with him he’s actually taken steps further and further back so even if he messages you and talks to you here and there he’s not making plans for the future and he’s not committing to you that’s because you’re there and it provides him an ego boost and that he knows that there’s someone here that likes me and you’re a backup plan but it doesn’t create enough feelings in him to solidify the


00:14:33 relationship with you because he knows in his core that he is the one that should be moving towards the woman that he wants and he’s the one that wants to close the gap I hope you enjoyed this video let me know what your thoughts are and I look forward to seeing you in another video


With love,




Read  “What Men Want” to better understand men, masculine energy and relationships


Read “Secrets of the Feminine Woman” to better understand femininity and feminine energy


Course: Feminine Woman, Shadow Edition


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