Four Habits That Drive Men Wild 

When we think about what would drive a man wild, we presume it must be related to our beauty or bodies. Indeed, driving a man wild would have to do with our sexual nature or physical appearance; in fact, it has nothing to do with our beauty whatsoever. 

Although beauty and physical appearance matter to men and are usually the first mark of attraction for a man, they aren’t what tends to keep them around or even keep them from committing to a woman. 

In this article, I outline the four habits that drive men wild that have nothing to do with a woman’s physical appearance or sexual nature. 

The number one habit that quality men subconsciously look for when evaluating if a woman is “the one” is her seclusive nature. For quality men, a seclusive woman is a secure woman. She is not for everyone, which means she is exclusive. Seclusiveness is a woman that is not everywhere and not for everyone. She is more challenging to get a hold of, and her nature is mysterious. A mysterious and not easily enticed woman is beautiful to quality men who easily get women’s attention. However, a seclusive woman is harder to reach and get, naturally moving into the second habit that drives men wild.

A woman who is seclusive naturally then becomes a woman who is an organic challenge. When we are harder to get, we have interests other than men and relationships. We are not daydreaming about men all day long and fantasizing about a man, not in our lives or our presence. We are preoccupied with our goals, interests and hobbies. Keep in mind that our interests don’t have to be anything exaggerated. I love relaxing, watching shows and being with my dogs. Alone time is my favourite time! Please don’t assume that when I say hobbies, it has to be entrepreneurial, business-oriented, or even masculine-focused. No. Simply focusing on other areas of our life that make us happy makes a man excited about us. 

Let me give you an example. I love reality TV. On Sunday nights, I always watch 90 Day Fiancé. I never miss it! Men know this when I’m dating and even in a relationship! They love that on Sunday nights, they know I’m watching 90 Day Fiancé and nothing they do or plan can tempt me away from my show. In a very indirect, cute way, that makes a man feel excited since it becomes an organic challenge for them to tempt me away from my show (which can never happen, by the way!). 

Having interests outside of a relationship and man gives men the freedom to move toward you without so much pressure being placed on them. It allows a man to feel that a woman can prioritize her needs and relieves pressure. 

A woman’s elusive, playful nature is the third habit that drives men wild! Habit number 3 ties into the first 2, and as you can see, they all build upon each other. Elusiveness is the ability to be coy and playful. A woman can focus on other things that may not seem important (90 Days) but are essential to her. She’s playful about it and doesn’t take life so seriously. This drives men wild because it creates excitement and fun. Men don’t want to be with a serious woman all the time and enjoy a woman who can be elusive and lighthearted. Elusiveness is not to be mistaken for playing games or being hard to get. It’s a woman who is naturally seclusive and, therefore, an organic challenge and lighthearted when communicating with men. Maybe she hasn’t responded to a message because she’s watching her show. And when he’s wondering where she is, she playfully responds, “Oops, I was so engrossed in my show, sorry to keep you waiting.” You see how this is light-hearted and elusive and provides an organic challenge. It’s enticing because a seclusive woman isn’t out there for everyone; she’s simply at home watching her show, and that’s why she can’t be reached. It’s exciting and modest, and men love it! 

The last and final habit that drives men wild is her ability to put herself first. Habit 4 ties into all the above, and they all intertwine. A woman who puts herself first is extremely sexy to men! Men want a woman they have to work for and a woman who knows who she is and what she wants. This woman will prioritize her needs and wants over a man and naturally allows a man to step up for her, since she isn’t nagging him to death, she does what is best for her. 

To learn more about men, relationships, and feminine energy, check out my e-books linked below and take the inner work course to show up high-value from the inside out. 

With love, 



Read  “What Men Want” to better understand men, masculine energy and relationships


Read “Secrets of the Feminine Woman” to better understand femininity and feminine energy


Course: Feminine Woman, Shadow Edition


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