How to Keep Your Man Intrigued by Adding Mystery to Your Relationship

How to Keep Your Man Intrigued by Adding Mystery to Your Relationship

Men love mystery in relationships; it’s a fact! They desire to believe that there is always something intriguing and novel to learn about their mate. But how can you generate surprise when you live together and have a clear daily schedule? The secret is to pay attention to the tiny things that count.

The Influence of Surprise

Surprise is one of the best methods to elicit mystery in your relationship. Small, thoughtful surprises that let your lover know you’re always thinking of them will do just as well as large gestures. Making their favourite cuisine for supper or organizing a surprise weekend could suffice.

Keep certain matters private.

Maintaining some degree of anonymity is crucial for adding mystery to your relationship. Having things in your life that are exclusively for you rather than harbouring secrets is what this means. For instance, you might prefer to keep your journal or exercise regimen private. Your partner will get the impression that there is still so much to learn about you if you do this, and he will love it! Men love novelty and the idea that there are still new things to figure out. 

Be impulsive

Another excellent approach to elicit mystery in your relationship is spontaneity. Try occasionally switching up your routine instead of always doing the same thing. This may involve anything as easy as forgoing your customary dinner arrangements to sample a different eatery or organizing an impromptu day excursion. Keeping your lover happy is the key! We always want to think of ways to please his needs as we would desire a partner to think of ways to meet our needs. Trying to meet your safety and security needs by treating him as your girlfriend rather than your lover will ultimately push him away. 

Employ body language

Body language is an effective method for enhancing the mystery in your relationship. You can convey that you’re thinking about something through your body language without actually saying what it is. You might, for instance, give your partner a knowing glance or thoughtfully touch your chin. This will keep your lover guessing about what’s on your mind.


It’s not about keeping things a secret or being dishonest while adding mystery to your relationship. It’s important to keep your relationship intriguing and exciting. You may keep your partner engaged and perplexed by focusing on the tiny things, such as surprise, privacy, spontaneity, and body language.


Read  “What Men Want” to better understand men, masculine energy and relationships


Read “Secrets of the Feminine Woman” to better understand femininity and feminine energy


Course: Feminine Woman, Shadow Edition


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