If she doesn’t feel safe, she closes herself to you

The feminine partner needs to feel safe with her masculine partner to surrender to him. Safety resides first from within, but let’s assume for this piece, since she is feminine, self-trust exists within her. 

Once in the dynamic, the Feminine Partner will be a respite for her Masculine Partner. She will be happy, trusting, and joyful, bringing him peace, presence, and energy—the value a feminine woman brings to a dynamic. However, her trust will slowly erode if situations arise that result in betrayal or micro-betrayals. Feminine Women take their time getting to know a man and are interested in being wooed and courted. When they move into a dynamic, they do so with a man they believe has strong integrity and will continue to move the dynamic forward and protect their relationship from any outside threat.

Micro-betrayals can be mini-agreements between the couple that the Masculine agrees to follow through on to make his partner feel safe, happy and comfortable. Feminine women are easy to please and are pleasurable to be around and happy until they are not appreciated or respected and their needs have gone unmet. The key here is that the feminine partner will meet the masculine partner’s needs. For this piece, I am not referring to a situation where an unhealthy woman seeks more from her partner while not providing him with what he needs. Feminine women are not people pleasers. They know the value they bring to any relationship; if that value is not reflected back in a man’s treatment, they will not please a man to get more from him. That is not how feminine women behave. However, they will gently communicate their needs and dislikes, non-confrontationally, and provide an opportunity for change. In my book “Secrets of the Feminine Woman, Revealed,” I discuss reasonableness. Feminine women are reasonable until they are not. They will walk away and not look back if they see a pattern of behaviour that is detrimental to their well-being and future.

When a Feminine Woman loses trust in her partner and has to “manage” him to observe if he is true to his words, she will lose attraction and become unhappy because the feminine does not want to manage anyone. If she is managing now in the dynamic, it’s often because her partner has retracted his word, and his actions are not making her feel she is a priority. Since a Feminine woman has an open heart, when the masculine partner apologizes from his heart, she’ll tend to give him another chance. However, if she communicates her needs and wants and continues to be a good partner to him and he falls short again, her heart will close.

Most men desire a feminine woman but must understand that femininity requires leadership, strong direction, and forward movement from her partner. She is not interested in false promises, wishy-washiness, passiveness, or a lack of direction in a relationship. 

Faithful feminine women are soft on the outside but strong on the inside. They know what they want and can ease into the flow of life. They move toward what they want and are clear in who they are. They seek a partner that is just as self-assured and can lead in a relationship. A feminine partner does not seek to lead a relationship. She seeks to RECEIVE, TRUST and ADMIRE her partner. She does not force, convince or manipulate anyone to be with her. However, she is clear about her needs, wants, and desires and expects her partner to move in the same direction if he has committed. 

Often, a man meets a feminine woman and does whatever it takes to keep her because feminine women are rare. However, once they commit, and depending on their past (since most men have been with masculine women), they will become passive in their leadership and stubborn. Values and vision communicated at the beginning of the relationship may not happen as the masculine partner subconsciously perceives his new partner as a threat to his autonomy. Often, a masculine partner will give to a woman, the WRONG woman, a masculine woman. When he removes himself from that situation and meets a Feminine Woman, his body (the subconscious) will know she is different, but his past hurt will sabotage his current relationship. 

Feminine Women need a man to be all in, clear in their intent and harmonious in their words + actions. Feminine Women do not stay with men; they have to manage, control and dictate; they are not looking to be a man’s mother. Masculine women will seek to control men. Feminine women understand that mothering is reserved for their children, not for grown adults. 

To learn more about men, relationships, and feminine energy, read my e-books linked below and go through the inner work course to show up high-value from the inside out. 

With love,
Fareen Ash


Read  “What Men Want” to better understand men, masculine energy and relationships


Read “Secrets of the Feminine Woman” to better understand femininity and feminine energy


Course: Feminine Woman, Shadow Edition


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