You don’t need to ask a man how he feels about you, you just need to see what he does.
A man’s consistent actions are a true reflection of his feelings, and a high-value woman understands the importance of self-worth and emotional independence in the dating process.
Key Takeaways:
00:00 You can gauge a man’s feelings for you by observing his consistent actions rather than asking him directly.
00:49 A high-value woman recognizes that a man’s actions reveal his feelings, eliminating the need to ask for reassurance, and emphasizes the importance of inner work and self-worth beliefs.
01:59 A man’s consistent actions in dating reveal his feelings, as healthy men prioritize their own lives and interests over constant communication.
02:56 Healthy men assess a woman’s true character over time through her actions, valuing emotional connection and personal growth in the dating process.
04:16 A man’s consistent actions, like regularly setting up dates, reveal his interest, eliminating the need to question his feelings.
05:07 A confident woman leads the dating dynamic, ensuring that a man must earn her time and attention rather than simply enjoying it without commitment.
06:21 A man’s genuine interest is revealed through his actions, not by asking him how he feels.
07:35 A man’s actions reveal his feelings, and relying on him for emotional fulfillment won’t satisfy your own needs.
Full Transcipt:
00:00 One of the biggest mistakes I see many of you women making with men is that you’re asking them how they feel about you. This is the biggest mistake you could make with a man because if a man really is interested in you you don’t need to ever ask him how he feels about. You you’re going to know how he feels about you because you’re going to see the way that he’s showing up for you consistently and like on a day-to-day basis. You’re going to see how he shows up. For you. There is a building up process here so if you are healthier in your energy and so you’ve done a certain level of inner work and inner work is a lifelong process. We’re all doing inner work including myself doesn’t matter. If you’re married. It doesn’t matter at what state you’re in you’re always doing the level of inner worth because there’s always layers and layers and layers. Please don’t feel bad when I say that you need inner work because we all need inner work.
00:49 You just need to look at your life experiences to show you where you’re at and where you want to go. There’s going to be a level of inner work that needs to be done so if you’re at the like point in your life where you’re telling a man or asking a man. How does he feel about you. Then you know that there are deeper layers that you haven’t touched on yet because if you’re a woman that feels good about herself high value woman let’s say she would never ask a man well. How do you feel about me because she understands that a man will show her these son of actions how he feels about her and you’re going to have this mindset and so if you’re in this space where you’re attaching ear to men or men are not committing to you you’re just having this experience with men where it’s a feeling of let’s say rejection. No one can reject us we are interpreting it as a rejection. It’s the meaning that we’re creating so again. This is where the mindset work comes in and you have to work on your beliefs in my inner. Workhorse I go into the Three core beliefs that you must have within you and if you don’t have these beliefs embedded in you. You’re always going to feel that you’re not worthy.
01:59 You’re always going to feel that you’re being rejected because that’s how you feel about yourself and your outside reality is just going to show you that so when it comes to the behaviors of a man initially in the dating phase. A man is going to set up dates with you and he’s going to do that over a period of time he’s going to be consistent is he going to message you all the time and like call you all the time message you good night good morning. No that is an insecure unhealed man healthy. Men don’t function like that healthy men take their time in dating healthy men are not in a rush. The mindset of a healthy man well. He’s confident he’s busy. He has his own goals. He has like hobbies and interests and he’s dating other women. You’re not the only women that he’s dating and dating is not the center of his life. He has a lot of other things going on. Therefore he’s going to make um an effort when he meets a woman meaning he’s going to think oh.
02:56 This woman is attractive and it seems like she has her head ons screwed right. She seems confident and independent. These are qualities that healthy men want let me just see this through and see if what I’m feeling about her is actually how she is and this is where embodiment comes in. He’s going to think let me see if she’s actually showing up in a way that I feel is healthy and how she’s initially perceived as so even if a woman can fake it or act high value. A woman’s True Colors as well as a man’s True Colors come out over a period of time. This is why healthy men they take their time in the dating process. In the courting process. They don’t rush yet and even if it seems rushed so my husband proposed in 7 months we took things was very slow. It can appear that oh well he proposed in 7 months. No I took my time the entire courting process and I go into this and what men want was very very slow. There was no physical or anything like that until months into our relationship and we built an emotional connection and in that he was able to know that wow this woman is different. I’ve never been with a woman that challenges me in this way that makes me want to be better. This is what my husband also said in our wedding speech that I make him better.
04:16 It was based on the way that I showed up and in my books Peter talks about this as well. The way that I carry myself. That’s what Drew him in when you show up a certain way. A man is going to be very intrigued by you and his behavior are going to show you that he’s interested in you you’re never going to have to ask yourself does he like me. That’s not a question that a woman that is married or a woman that’s dating and has like a lot of interest for men that’s not a question that she ever asks herself because because men demonstrate to her that they’re interested the way that a man is going to like demonstrate that he’s interested in you is he’s going to show up consistently in setting up dates and consistent dating like when it’s with healthy man is going to be one date every week to every few days.
05:07 It’s not going to be every day or every other day and also the dates are not going to be long. Although I have to preface this if you’re a woman that feels good about herself. You’re going to know how to Pace Pace it. If you’re with a man and a man is like enjoying your company. He’ll stay with you and he’ll do whatever you want cuz. You’re the one that sort of leads in this area. It’s not the man that leads in this in this area. It’s you that lead in this area and so if you want to have like a 10-hour date you want to go and do a Netflix chill thing a man’s going to do it. Even if he’s a high value man doesn’t matter because he’s going to then put you in a category of okay. She’s just fun she’s not my wife. It’s very important that you feel a certain way about yourself so that you don’t put yourself in this category because if you are behaving in ways that put yourself in that category a man is going to do that cuz you’re putting yourself in that category. Secure women have the mindset of well. Let him prove it to me and in every date that I’ve ever been on including with my husband. It was never them that ended the date. It was always me that ended the date I know that my energy is precious and I know that a man has to earn it and until he’s like my husband fiance boyfriend.
06:21 I’m not going to give him access to myself. He has to earn that it makes a man kind of like excited to be with you and to get to know you because you’re like this natural challenge. If you’re having to ask yourself does he like me is he interested in me or you have to ask him I hate to say it. He probably is not interested in you because unless you have this like deep core like wound where it’s never enough. This is where I recommend do an email question and email me your specific situation. That way I can help you with your specific situation or book a call with me because if you have this wound where it’s never good enough no matter. What does it’s it’s never good enough then that could be a you thing. It could be that he is doing everything he needs to be doing and you just are never satisfied and at that point you really want to look at that because you don’t want to move into self-sabotaging behaviors and ask him do you like me. If he’s doing everything he needs to be doing. He’s going to be showing you that so it could be two ways here it could either be that the guy is really not setting up dates. You’re the one that has to initiate everything. He’s lazy making you pay for dates that’s not a guy that is truly interested in you and even if he’s like going along with it.
07:35 It’s because it’s convenient and you’re there and why wouldn’t he especially if you’re attractive woman and so if you’re making it easy for a guy to just be in your company why would he not take it. There’s that scenario or the other scenario is that he is doing everything that he should be doing. But it’s just never good enough because you have not learned how to meet your own needs so if you’ve not learned how to meet your own needs of course like it’s going to be a bottomless pit with a man because nothing a man can do to fulfill that void that you have within yourself. I hope you enjoyed this video make sure you get the books the books go deeper into masculine feminine energy. My self-study course will help you do the inner work so that you can show up on the outside as a high value woman and you can always book a call with me or email me. Uh a specific situation if you need help with that and I will see you on the next one bye for now.
With love, Fareen