Masculine Support

Masculine energy is supportive and loves the feeling of support in return. Although emphasized as such, it is not only the energy of competition. The misconception is that masculine energy will compete without regard, which is invalid. On the contrary, masculinity thrives on competition alongside rules, integrity, and boundaries. And what’s more, the energy of masculinity is, in fact, supportive of the very nature of competition itself. The authentic energy feels respect for those it competes with and is not afraid to demonstrate admiration, unlike the unhealthier polarized energies. 

In professional sports, golf being one, fellow competitors often communicate supportive messages during qualifiers for major tournaments. I remember when I attended a qualifier with my partner. It was fascinating to watch the men that were participating chant “good shot,” “perfect,” and “there you go” to one another as they were technically competing with one another to each qualify for the tournament. Even in hockey or when watching as a spectator, masculinity is competitive yet acknowledges admirable performance. There is support during and after the game in most professional sports. Masculine energy can recognize notable performance and achievement in others without activation of negative emotion and hatred toward self.  

In healthy relations where polarity exists, masculine support will be present and felt within the dynamic. Masculine energy loves to give and receive support. Support from a masculine energy partner will look like being emotionally, physically and financially available and present. A masculine man will hold space for a woman to be her complete self and seeks to understand versus belittle, scold, criticize or complain. He will welcome her pursuits, passion and full expression. He will go out of his way to ensure that she feels safe in his leadership, consistency and accountability. Masculine men will sacrifice their needs to ensure that the family has what it needs to thrive, especially for the woman he loves. However, for a relationship to flourish with both partners fulfilled, support must flow cyclically. If support only flows toward one partner, energy becomes restricted and feelings of resentment build. It may feel good to be the one receiving. However, in its purest form, love cannot exist without the giving and receiving of energetic exchange. 

Masculine men desire the feeling of support as much as they enjoy giving it. However, they receive support in different ways. For example, a man will feel supported by a woman who entrusts him to be himself and acknowledges his endeavours. In healthy relationships, support is foundational, and men will want their partner at their side during critical events. I will support my partner by being present at all of his sporting events. In golf, I will walk all 18 holes alongside him. He loves this. He loves that I am with him, from start to finish. To him, knowing I am there feels safe, supportive and loving. Think of Tom Brady and other well-established athletes. Most have concluded that the key to their long-term success has been the unconditional love and support from their wives. Support as a feminine partner allows a man to pursue goals without resistance. The freedom to do as he wishes with his time feels supportive and encouraging. What’s more, when his partner encourages him to do the things he loves and is not critical and does not complain, he feels loved. 

When a man is not asking his partner to accompany him at important events, it is because, on the whole, he does not feel that she provides him with what he needs to perform well. Suppose she is generally unhappy and often critical. In that case, he will not feel good in her company and will keep his distance to achieve a sense of pride independently since her presence, and unhappy disposition will take away from his sense of well-being. Since she does not regularly produce that feeling in him, he reaches the feeling without her and through others’ acknowledgement and his achievements. 

  To conclude, in an unhealthy dynamic, support will not feel free-flowing and, over time, will dwindle. Masculine energy can go longer than feminine energy without support as the energy itself is designed to sacrifice. Still, over time, a lack of appreciation of masculine support will create cessation, resentment and frustration. If masculine support appears in giving time, energy, resources, and freedom to express, then feminine support appears as freedom, appreciation, and space.


Read  “What Men Want” to better understand men, masculine energy and relationships


Read “Secrets of the Feminine Woman” to better understand femininity and feminine energy


Course: Feminine Woman, Shadow Edition


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