Femininity is an expression of essence. Is the essence of femininity doing or being? Is the essence of femininity performing to achieve an outcome...
Welcome to MY WRITINGS
Articles & Resources to help you embody your femininity and attracting and sustaining healthy love
Emotional Guidance System
Emotions are so often misunderstood and commonly demonized. Yet, emotions are the cornerstone of life. Without emotions, our lives are flat, we...
Masculine Support
Masculine energy is supportive and loves the feeling of support in return. Although emphasized as such, it is not only the energy of competition....
Triggering His Heart
If we want to connect with a masculine man, we want to do so by communicating with his heart. His heart is the gateway to his undying love, devotion...
Leaning Back
Leaning back is a phrase that is misunderstood and misused. When we try to lean back unconsciously, we seek to evoke a reaction that compels a...
Don’t try to be that. Be that.
When we are trying hard to be something we are not, we are not that because when we are that, we are. So, in essence, the element of trying takes us...
Gender Differences in Communication
Communicating with men is different from communicating with women. And even in this broad gender description, there lay distinctions depending on...
Dating 101
What should dating look like in our modern day and what’s even appropriate given our hook-up culture and to add, the restraints on activities? It’s...
Long Lost Romance
How can romance exist if we’re so focused on being equal? Romance percolates from the intense desire and organic buildup that naturally forms from...
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