How to be a woman that gets what she wants from men Women should cultivate inner strength and vulnerability while avoiding anger and criticism to...
Welcome to MY WRITINGS
Articles & Resources to help you embody your femininity and attracting and sustaining healthy love
Men fall in love when they feel an emotional connection
Most assume men fall in love through physical closeness and rush courtship to solidify a relationship. But when has this ever worked? Have you...
What you should do when a man pulls back and why men pull back?
There are several reasons why men pull back. In this piece, I want to review various scenarios that can instigate a man's withdrawal and strategies...
Four Habits That Drive Men Wild
When we think about what would drive a man wild, we presume it must be related to our beauty or bodies. Indeed, driving a man wild would have to do...
Why not being afraid to lose him will trigger his need for you
For men to know that you are the one, they need to experience a feeling of loss. If they do not believe that you can walk away and that you will...
Men fall in love when you’re hard to get
I want you to think about a time when you've shown over interest in a man and you have pursued him, showed him that you're interested in him, told...
She can’t feel safe without your presence.
The most important thing I look for in my partner (unconsciously) is his ability to be patient with me. Can he be strong when I’m not? Can he...
It’s important not to coddle men.
If you want to attract and keep a masculine energy man, you need to learn to respect him as a man. Men do not want to be controlled, and babying a...
Men find this one quality very attractive in a woman.
Even if they don't realize it, men are looking for an easy woman to be with. A woman who is easygoing in her nature, laid back, and quite frankly...
How To Get Your Ex-Boyfriend Back If He Broke Up With You
Let's discuss how you can get him back if you've unintentionally pushed him away, he's pulled away, or you've had a fight, and you want to get him...
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