How to Keep Your Man Intrigued by Adding Mystery to Your Relationship Men love mystery in relationships; it's a fact! They desire to believe that...
Welcome to MY WRITINGS
Articles & Resources to help you embody your femininity and attracting and sustaining healthy love
Unveiling the Secrets of Feminine Energy: How to Harness Your Inner Power in Dating and Relationships
Secrets of the Feminine Energy Woman, Unveiled Do you find yourself feeling powerless in your relationships? Does it seem like you are often giving...
Relationships Reflect Consciousness
Relationships and Consciousness The relationships, men and love we attract will mirror our level of consciousness. Men WANT to provide for you;...
Dating 101
What should dating look like in our modern day and what’s even appropriate given our hook-up culture and to add, the restraints on activities? It’s...
Attraction – What´s Really Going on?
What is it? Is it primal? Or does it go beyond the instinctual drives hardwired in all of us? Attraction beyond the ego's perspective is a deep...
Why Healthy Space is SO Vital to Attraction
For much of my adult life, I did not understand the importance of healthy space in a relationship. In fact, I had no clue what men needed to be...
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