We all have a feminine energy within us that is waiting to be embraced and nourished. But so often, we let our subconscious mind keep us away from...
Welcome to MY WRITINGS
Articles & Resources to help you embody your femininity and attracting and sustaining healthy love
Relationships Reflect Consciousness
Relationships and Consciousness The relationships, men and love we attract will mirror our level of consciousness. Men WANT to provide for you;...
Emotional Guidance System
Emotions are so often misunderstood and commonly demonized. Yet, emotions are the cornerstone of life. Without emotions, our lives are flat, we...
Long Lost Romance
How can romance exist if we’re so focused on being equal? Romance percolates from the intense desire and organic buildup that naturally forms from...
The Global Marketplace is Starving for Feminine Leadership
If there were ever a time when women needed to embrace their true essence, it would be now. There is a growing misconception of what it means for a...
The High-Value Woman
What does it mean to be a High-Value Woman? We’ve all met that woman that effortlessly attracts men and relationships. She isn’t necessarily the...
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